幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:柳婷|責編:劉平
  • 出版社:華中科技大學
  • ISBN:9787568062756
  • 出版日期:2020/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:242
人民幣:RMB 88 元      售價:


    柳婷,女,1985年生,湖北荊州人,香港城市大學公共政策博士。現為華中科技大學公共管理學院講師、碩士生導師,科技政策與科技管理研究所研究員,兼任武漢市臨空經濟研究所研究員。主要研究領域為科技政策與科技管理、區域創新發展、城市衝突等。以第一作者或通訊作者身份在Energy Policy、Cities、HabitatInternational以及《科技管理研究》等期刊上發表論文十余篇;擔任Energy Policy、Cities、Habitat International、Social Science Quarterly等多部SSCI期刊評審人。

List of Figures
  Figure 2.1:Site selection approaches
  Figure 2.2:Research framework
  Figure 3.1:The statutory environmental impact assessment process
  Figure 3.2:Public participation under the EIA Ordinance
  Figure 3.3:Plan-making process (Town Planning 13oard,2008)
  Figure 3.4:Facility siting decision-making process in Hong Kong
  Figure 4.1:Triangulation design, two-phased data collection methods (Adapted from Teo & Loosemore,2014,p. 43)
  Figure 4.2:Sampling strata in Tuen Mun district
  Figure 4.3:Sampling strata in Tseung Kwan O New Town
  Figure 4.4:Sampling techniques
  Figure 6.1:Monthly household income and educational attainment of Tuen Mun residents and average Hong Kong residents (Census and Statistics Department,2007,2012)
List of Tables
  Table 2.1:Key elements of facility siting approaches
  Table 2.2:Examples of movements in Western countries and cities   ...
  Table 2.3:Examples of movements in Eastern countries and cities
  Table 3.1:Land utilization in Hong Kong in 2012
  Table 3.2:Median monthly household income and Gini coefficient(Census and Statistic Department,2012)
  Table 4.1:Variables operationalized for empirical analysis
  Table 4.2:Measurement of the independent variables
  Table 5.1 :Demographic information of the survey respondents
  Table 5.2:Information of the 19 interviewees
  Table 5.3:Participation information by district
  Table 5.4:Participation information by proximity
  Table 5.5:Participation information by both district and proximity
  Table 5.6:Correlation coefficients between living distance and participation levels
  Table 5.7:Summary statistics of the efficacy variables before rescaling (n=631)
  Table 5.8:Summary statistics of the experience variables and media variables before rescaling (n=631)
  Table 5.9:Summary statistics of the risk perception variables of the value of collective good categories (n=631)
  Table 5.10:Summary statistics of other variables of the value of collective good categories (n=631)
  Table 5.11:Summary statistics of the selective benefit variables (n=631)
  Table 5.12:Correlation coefficients among selected independent variables
  Table 5.13:Cronbach's alpha coefficients of the scales
  Table 5.14:Resuhs of the OLS regression
  Table 6.1:Public acceptance of the compensation measures (n=631)
  Table 6.2:Public acceptance of the mitigation measures (n=631)

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