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  • 作者:Peter Walters|責編:劉慧//高蓉
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787506260091
  • 出版日期:2003/11/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:250
人民幣:RMB 59 元      售價:


Peter Walters|責編:劉慧//高蓉

Chapter 0  Preliminaries
  §0.1  Introduction
  §0.2  Measure Spaces
  §0.3  Integration
  §0.4  Absolutely Continuous Measures and Conditional Expectations
  §0.5  Function Spaces
  §0.6  Haar Measure
  §0.7  Character Theory
  §0.8  Endomorphisms of Tori
  §0.9  Perron-Frobenius Theory
Chapter 1  Measure-Preserving Transformations
  §1.1  Definition and Examples
  §1.2  Problems in Ergodic Theory
  §1.3  Associated Isometries
  §1.4  Recurrence
  §1.5  Ergodicity
  §1.6  The Ergodic Theorem
  §1.7  Mixing
Chapter 2  Isomorphism, Conjugacy, and Spectral Isomorphism
  §2.1  Point Maps and Set Maps
  §2.2  Isomorphism of Measure-Preserving Transformations
  §2.3  Conjugacy of Measure-Preserving Transformations
  §2.4  The Isomorphism Problem
  §2.5  Spectral Isomorphism
  §2.6  Spectral Invariants
Chapter 3  Measure-Preserving Transformations with Discrete Spectrum
  §3.1  Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions
  §3.2  Discrete Spectrum
  §3.3  Group Rotations
Chapter 4  Entropy
  §4.1  Partitions and Subalgebras
  §4.2  Entropy of a Partition
  §4.3  Conditional Entropy
  §4.4  Entropy of a Measure-Preserving Transformation
  §4.5  Properties of h (T, A)and h (T)
  §4.6  Some Methods for Calculating h (T)
  §4.7  Examples
  §4.8  How Good an Invariant is Entropy?
  §4.9  Bernoulli Automorphisms and Kolmogorov Automorphisms
  §4.10  The Pinsker o-Algebra of a Measure-Preserving Transformation
  §4.11  Sequence Entropy
  §4.12  Non-invertible Transformations
Chapter 5  Topological Dynamics
  §5.1  Examples
  §5.2  Minimality
  §5.3  The Non-wandering Set
  §5.4  Topological Transitivity
  §5.5  Topological Conjugacy and Discrete Spectrum
  §5.6  Expansive Homeomorphisms

Chapter 6  Invariant Measures for Continuous Transformations
  §6.1  Measures on Metric Spaces
  §6.2  Invariant Measures for Continuous Transformations
  §6.3  Interpretation of Ergodicity and Mixing
  §6.4  Relation of Invariant Measures to Non-wandering Sets, Periodic Points and Topological Transitivity
  §6.5  Unique Ergodicity
  §6.6  Examples
Chapter 7  Topological Entropy
  §7.1  Definition Using Open Covers
  §7.2  Bowen's Definition
  §7.3  Calculation of Topological Entropy
Chapter 8 Relationship Between Topological Entropy and Measure-Theoretic Entropy
  §8.1  The Entropy Map
  §8.2  The Variational Principle
  §8.3  Measures with Maximal Entropy
  §8.4  Entropy of Afine Transformations
  §8.5  The Distribution of Periodic Points
  §8.6  Deinition of Measure-Theoretic Entropy Using the Metrics dn
Chapter 9  Topological Pressure and Its Relationship with Invariant Measures
  §9.1  Topological Pressure
  §9.2  Properties of Pressure
  §9.3  The Variational Principle
  §9.4  Pressure Determines M (X, T)
  §9.5  Equilibrium States
Chapter 10  Applications and Other Topics
  §10.1  The Qualitative Behaviour of Difeomorphisms
  §10.2  The Subadditive Ergodic Theorem and the Multiplicative Ergodic Theorem
  §10.3  Quasi-invariant Measures
  §10.4  Other Types of Isomorphism
  §10.5  Transformations of Intervals
  §10.6  Further Reading

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