用戶名: 密碼:     註冊 幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:(美)M.O.斯庫利//M.S.朱伯瑞
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787519250348
  • 出版日期:2018/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:630
人民幣:RMB 129 元      售價:



1  Quantum theory of radiation
  1.1  Quantization of the free electromagnetic field
    1.1.1  Mode expansion of the field
    1.1.2  Quantization
    1.1.3  Commutation relations between electric and magnetic field components
  1.2  Fock or number states
  1.3  Lamb shift
  1.4  Quantum beats
  1.5  What is light?-The photon concept
    1.5.1  Vacuum fluctuations and the photon concept
    1.5.2  Vacuum fluctuations
    1.5.3  Quantum beats, the quantum eraser, Bell's theorem, and more
    1.5.4  『Wave function for photons'
  1.A  Equivalence between a many-particle Bose gas and a set of quantized harmonic oscillators
  References and bibliography
2  Coherent and squeezed states of the radiation field
  2.1  Radiation from a classical current
  2.2  The coherent state as an eigenstate of the annihilation operator and as a displaced harmonic oscillator state
  2.3  What is so coherent about coherent states?
  2.4  Some properties of coherent states
  2.5  Squeezed state physics
  2.6  Squeezed states and the uncertainty relation
  2.7  The squeeze operator and the squezed coherent states
    2.7.1  Quadrature variance
  2.8  Multi-mode squeezing
  References and bibliography
3  Quantum distribution theory and partially coherent radiation
  3.1  Coherent state representation
    3.1.1  Definition of the coherent state representation
    3.1.2  Examples of the coherent state representation
  3.2  Q-representation
  3.3  The Wigner-Weyl distribution
  3.4  Generalized representation of the density operator and connection between the P-,Q-,and W-distributions
  3.5  Q-representation for a squeezed coherent state
  3.A  Verifying equations (3.1.12a,3.1.12b)
  3.B  c-number function correspondence for the Wigner-Weyl distribution
  References and bibliography
4  Field-field and photon-photon interferometry
  4.1  The interferometer as a cosmic probe
    4.1.1  Michelson interferometer and general relativity
    4.1.2  The Sagnac ring interferometer
    4.1.3  Proposed ring laser test of metric gravitation theories
    4.1.4  The Michelson stellar interferometer
    4.1.5  Hanbury-Brown-Twiss interferometer
  4.2  Photon detection and quantum coherence functions
  4.3  First-order coherence and Young-type double-source experiments

    4.3.1  Young's double-slit experiment
    4.3.2  Young's experiment with light from two atoms
  4.4  Second-order coherence
    4.4.1  The physics behind the Hanbury-Brown-Twiss effect
    4.4.2  Detection and measurement of squeezed states via homodyne detection
    4.4.3  Interference of two photons
    4.4.4  Photon antibunching, Poissonian, and sub-Poissonian light
  4.5  Photon counting and photon statistics
5  Atom-field interaction-semiclassical theory
6  Atom-field interaction-quantum theory
7  Lasing without inversion and other effects of atomic coherence and interference
8  Quantum theory of damping -density operator and wave function approach
9  Quantum theory of damping-Heisenberg-Langevin approach
10  Resonance fluorescence
11  Quantum theory of the laser-density operator approach
12  Quantum theory of the laser-Heisenberg-Langevin approach
13  Theory of the micromaser
14  Correlated emission laser: concept, theory, and analysis
15  Phase sensitivity in quantum optical systems: applications
16  Squeezing via nonlinear optical processes
17  Atom optics
18  The EPR paradox, hidden variables, and Bell's theorem
19  Quantum nondemolition measurements
20  Quantum optical tests of complementarity
21  Two-photon interferometry, the quantum measurement problem, and more

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