幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:高志剛//凌光烈//倪虹|責編:李君//周婷婷
  • 出版社:清華大學
  • ISBN:9787302523796
  • 出版日期:2020/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:149
人民幣:RMB 99.8 元      售價:



Part Ⅰ  Theory
  Chapter 1  Introduction
    The history of operative surgery
    Methods and expectations for learning operative surgery
    Classifications of surgical operations
    Classification of incision and the degree of incision healing
    Factors that affect wound healing
T    he effects of an operation on the body
  Chapter 2  Aseptic Technique
    Basic concepts of aseptic technique
    Source of bacteria in operative site
    Methods of sterilization for operative supplies and instruments
    Chemical Disinfection
    Preparation of the operation
    Function and position of operative staff
    Operative Theater
  Chapter 3  Operative Instruments
    Thumb Forceps
    Haemostatic Forceps
    Allis Forceps
    Towel Clips
    Sponge-holding forceps
    Needle Holder
    Suture materials
    Modern instruments
  Chapter 4  Basic Operative Technique
    Tying Knots
    Cutting and removing suture
    Surgical drainage
  Chapter 5  Perioperative Period
    Treatment of postoperative complications
  Chapter 6  Paracentesis Technique
    Lumbar Puncture
    Bone marrow aspiration
  Chapter 7  Wound and Debridement
    Classification of wound

    Basic principles of wound management
    Wound healing stages
    Types of Wound Healing
    Principles of wound treatment
    General Measure
    Pebridement procedures
  Chapter 8  Dressing Change
    Purpose of dressing change
    Clinical indications for a dressing change
    Timing of the dressing changes
    Dressing change necessities
    Preparation of dressing change supplies
    Dressing change procedure
    Dressing change when the wound is sutured
    Key points
  Chapter 9  Tracheotomy
    Indication and contraindication
    Anatomy of trachea
    Classification of a tracheotomy
    Attention of preoperative, posture and anesthesia
    Tracheotomy procedure
    Complications of tracheotomy and prevention
    Tracheotomy management
    Other emergency airway procedures
  Chapter 10  Vascular Surgery
    High ligation and stripping of varicose veins of the great saphenous vein
    Exposure of the femoral artery
  Chapter 11  Anterior Abdominal Wall and Abdominal Incision
    Review of anatomy
    Abdominal incisions
  Chapter 12  Splenectomy
    Introduction to the spleen
    Anatomy of the spleen
    Indications for a splenectomy
    Procedure for a splenectomy
    Postoperative care
  Chapter 13  Partial Resection and Anastomosis of Small Intestine
    Summary of anatomy
    Classification of anastomosis
    Inspection and examination
    Procedures (end-to-end anastomosis)
  Chapter 14  Appendectomy
    Appendix anatomy summary
    Appendectomy indications
    Appendectomy procedure
    Appendectomy risks and complications
    Laparoscopic appendectomy

  Chapter 15  Surgical Repair of Inguinal Hernias
    Introduction to inguinal hernia
    Classification of inguinal hernias
    Indication for an inguinal hernia surgery
    Non surgical treatment
    Anatomy of the inguinal region
    Surgical procedure of open inguinal hernia repair
    Laparoscopic procedures for inguinal hernias
    Using mesh
    Postoperative care
  Chapter 16  Minimally Invasive Surgery and Surgical System
    Minimally invasive surgery
    Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
    Introduction of a surgical system
Part Ⅱ  Practice
  Chapter 17  Guideline for Practice Experiments
    Experiment 1  Introduction of Operative Instruments
      Objectives and requirements
      Experimental instruments for each group
      Operative instruments
    Experiment 2  Aseptic Technique
      Objectives and requirements
      Necessary surgical supplies for each group
      Preparation before surgery
    Experiment 3  Basic Operative Technique
      Objectives and requirements
      Necessary surgical supplies for each group
      Tying knots
      Hemostasis with hemostatic forceps (practiced by two students)
      Cutting suture (practiced by two students)
      Removing suture
    Experiment 4  Laparotomy
      Objective and requirements
      Necessities of each group
      Procedure for a laparotomy
    Experiment 5  Debridement
      Objective and requirements
      Necessary surgical supplies for the operation
      Experimental procedure
      Attention points
      Postoperative treatment
    Experiment 6  Tracheotomy
      Objectives and requirements
      Necessary surgical supplies for the operation
      Experimental procedure
      Attention points

    Experiment 7  Exposure of the Femoral Artery
      Objectives and requirements
      Necessary surgical supplies for the operation
      Experimental procedure
      Attention points
    Experiment 8  Splenectomy
      Objectives and requirements
      Necessary surgical supplies for the operation
      Experimental procedure
      Attention points
    Experiment 9  Mimic a Human Body Appendectomy
      Objectives and requirements
      Necessary surgical supplies for the operation
      Experimental procedure
      Attention points
    Experiment 10  Resection and Anastomosis of the Small Intestine
      Objectives and requirements
      Necessary surgical supplies for the operation
      Experimental procedure

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