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  • 作者:(美)保羅·蒂利希|責編:陸亞平|總主編:庄智象//林驤華|校注:宋志平
  • 出版社:上海譯文
  • ISBN:9787532781874
  • 出版日期:2020/06/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:172
人民幣:RMB 75 元      售價:


    保羅·蒂利希(Paul Tillich,1886—1965),德裔美籍基督教存在主義哲學家,20世紀最有影響力的神學家之一。曾任教於馬爾堡大學(1924—1925),德累斯頓工業大學、萊比錫大學(1925—1929),法蘭克福大學(1929—1933),紐約協和神學院(1933—1955),哈佛大學(1955—1962)與芝加哥大學(1962—1965)。     他主張整合新教神學與存在主義哲學,建立「系統神學」,並力圖使用「關聯法」將神學思想與哲學、心理學問題關聯起來,讓人們關注自身存在的問題。代表作有《系統神學》(Systematic Theology,1951—1963)、《存在的勇氣》(The Courage to Be,1952)、《聖經宗教與對終極實在的追尋》(Biblical Religion and the Search for Ultimate Reality,1955)、《信仰的動力》(Dynamics ofFaith,1957)、《文化神學》(Theology of Culture,1959)、《基督教與世界宗教問之相遇》(Christianity and the Encounter of the World Religions,1963)等。

1 Being and Courage
  Courage and Fortitude: From Plato to Thomas Aquinas
  Courage and Wisdom: The Stoics
  Courage and Swlf-affirmation: Spinoza
  Courage and Life: Nietzsche
2 Being, Nonbeing, and Anxiety
  An Ontology of Anxiety
  The eaning of nonbeing
  The interdependence of fear and anxiety
  Types of Anxiety
  The three types of anxiety and the nature of man
  The anxiety of fate and death
  The anxiety of emptiness and meaninglessness
  The anxiety of guilt and condemnation
  The meaning of despair
  Periods of Anxiety
3 Pathological Anxiety, Vitality, and Courage
  The Nature of Pathological Anxiety
  Anxiety, Religion, and Medicine
  Vitality and Courage
4 Courage and Participation (The Courage to Be as a Part)
  Being, Individualization, and Participation
  Collectivist and Semicollectivist Manifestations of the Courage to Be as a Part
  Neocollectivist Manifestations of the Courage to Be as a Part
  The Courage to Be as a Part in Democratic Conformism
5 Courage and Individualization (The Courage to Be as Oneself)
  The Rise of Modern Individualism and the Courage to Be as Oneself
  The Romantic and Naturalistic Forms of the Courage to Be as Oneself
  Existentialist Forms of the Courage to Be as Oneself
  The existential attitude and Existentialism
  The existentialist point of view
  The loss of the existentialist point of view
  Existentialism as revolt
  Existentialism Today and the Courage of Despair
  Courage and despair
  The courage of despair in contemporary art and literature
  The courage of despair in contemporary philosophy
  The courage of despair in the noncreative Existentialist attitude
  The limits of the courage to be as oneself
6 Courage and Transcendence (The Courage to Accept Acceptance)
  The Power of Being as Source of the Courage to Be
  The mystical experience and the courage to be
  The divine-human encounter and the courage to be
  Guilt and the courage to accept acceptance
  Fate and the courage to accept acceptance
  Absolute faith and the courage to be
  The Courage to Be as the Key to Being-itself
  Nonbeing opening up being
  Theism transcended

  The God above God and the courage to be

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