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  • 作者:(美)羅伯特·M.沃爾德|責編:陳亮//劉慧
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787519210038
  • 出版日期:2020/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:205
人民幣:RMB 48 元      售價:



Notation, Conventions, and Terminology
1 Introduction and Overview
  1.1 The Formulation of Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime
  1.2 Classical Black Hole Thermodynamics
  1.3 The Hawking Effect and Its Ramifications
2 Quantum Mechanical Preliminaries
  2.1 Classical Dynamics of Particle Systems
  2.2 Quantum Mechanics
  2.3 Harmonic Oscillators
3 Quantum Fields in Flat Spacetime
  3.1 Basic Construction
  3.2 Reformulation
  3.3 Particle Interpretation
4 Quantum Fields in Curved Spacetime
  4.1 Curved Spacetimes; Global Hyperbolicity
  4.2 Construction of Quantum Field Theory in a Curved Spacetime
  4.3 Quantum Field Theory in Stationary Spacetimes
  4.4 Unitary Equivalence; the S-Matrix
  4.5 The Algebraic Approach
  4.6 The Stress-Energy Tensor
  4.7 Other Linear Fields
5 The Unruh Effect
  5.1 The Unruh Effect in Flat Spacetime
  5.2. Killing Horizons
  5.3 The Unruh Effect in Curved Spacetimes
6 Classical Black Hole Thermodynamics
  6.1 Classical Black Holes and the Area Theorem
  6.2 The Laws of Black Hole Mechanics
7 The Hawking Effect
  7.1 Particle Creation by Black Holes
  7.2 The Generalized Second Law
  7.3 Evaporation of Black Holes and Loss of Quantum Coherence
Appendix: Some Basic Definitions and Constructions Pertaining Hilbert Spaces
  A.1 Some Basic Definitions
  A.2 Some Basic Constructions
  A.3 Index Notation
Notation Index
General Index

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