幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:(美)沃爾夫岡·泡利|責編:陳亮//劉慧
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787519267827
  • 出版日期:2020/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:188
人民幣:RMB 50 元      售價:



Foreword by Victor F. Weisskopf
Preface by the Editor
1. Quantizatioof the Electron-PositroField
  1. The Heisenberg and InteractioRepresentations
  2. Quantizatioof the Harmonic Oscillator
  3. Second Quantizatiofor Spin-1/2 Particles
  4. Sigof the Energy; Hole Theory
  5. Constructioof the Invariant Functions
  6. Charge-Conjugated Quantities
2. Response to aExternal Field: Charge Renormalization
  7. Vacuum ExpectatioValues of Expressions Bilinear ithe Current
  8. Vacuum PolarizatioiaExternal Field
  9. Particles with Zero Spin
  10. Evaluatioof the Kernals ^K and ^L
  11. The "Causal" Kernels Kcμν and Lcμν
  12. Impossibility of Canceling the Self-Charge
3. Quantizatio of Free Fields:Spi0 and 1/2, Quantum Electrodynamics
  13. The Invariant Functions
  14. Quantizatioof Force-Free, Uncharged, Spin-0 Fields
  15. Quantum Electrodynamics iVacuum
  16. Quantum Electrodynamics iCanonical Notation
  17. Various Representations
  18. Theory of Positrons (Spin-1/2 Particles)
4. Interacting Fields:InteractioRepresentatioand S-Matrix
  19. Electrons Interacting with the Electromagnetic Field
  20. Charged Particles with Zero Spin
  21. The InteractioRepresentation
  22.Dyson's IntegratioMethod
  23. The P* Product for Spin-Zero
5. Heisenberg Representation: S-Matrix and Charge Renormalization
  24. The S-matrix and the Heisenberg Representation
  25. Renormalized Fields ithe Heisenberg Representation
6. The S-Matrix: Applications
  26. The RelatioBetweethe S-Matrix and the Cross-Section
  27. AApplicatioof the DysoFormalism: Miller Scattering
  28. Discussioof the Dc Function
  29. The ElectroSelf-Energy iaExternal Homogeneous Electromagnetic Field
7. Feynman's Approach to Quantum Electrodynamics
  30. The Path Integral Method
Supplementary Bibliography
Appendix. Comments by the Editor

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