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  • 作者:(美)沃爾夫岡·泡利|責編:陳亮//劉慧
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787519267759
  • 出版日期:2020/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:241
人民幣:RMB 55 元      售價:



Preface by W. Pauli
Preface by A. Sommerfeld
Part Ⅰ. The Foundations of the Special Theory of Relativity
  1.Historical Background (Lorentz, Poincar?, Einstein)
  2.The Postulate of Relativity
  3.The Postulate of the Constancy of the Velocity of Light. Ritz's and Related Theories
  4.The Relativity of Simultaneity. Derivation of the Lorentz Transformation from the Two Postulates. Axiomatic Nature of the Lorentz
  5.Lorentz Contraction and Time Dilatation
  6.Einstein's Addition Theorem for Velocities and Its Application to Aberration and the Drag Coefficient. The Doppler Effect
Part Ⅱ. Mathematical Tools
  7.The Four-Dimensional Space-Time World (Minkowski)
  8.More General Transformation Groups
  9.Tensor Calculus for Affine Transformations
  10.Geometrical Meaning of the Contravariant and Covariant Components of a Vector
  11."Surface" and "Volume" Tensors. Four-Dimensional Volumes
  12.Dual Tensors
  13.Transition to Riemannian Geometry
  14.Parallel Displacement of a Vector
  15.Geodesic Lines
  16.Space Curvature
  17.Riemannian Coordinates and Their Applications
  18.The Special Cases of Euclidean Geometry and of Constant Curvature
  19.The Integral Theorems of Gauss and Stokes in a Four-Dimensional Riemannian Manifold
  20.Derivation of Invariant Differential Operations, Using Geodesic Components
  21.Affine Tensors and Free Vectors
  22.Reality Relations
  23.Infinitesimal Coordinate Transformations and Variational Theorems
Part Ⅲ. Special Theory of Relativity. Further Elaborations
(a) Kinematics
  24.Four-Dimensional Representation of the Lorentz Transformation
  25.The Addition Theorem for Velocities
  26.Transformation Law for Acceleration. Hyperbolic Motion
  27.Conservation of Charge. Four-Current Density
  28.Covariance of the Basic Equations of Electron Theory
  29.Ponderomotive Forces. Dynamics of the Electron
  30.Momentum and Energy of the Electromagnetic Field. Differential and Integral Forms of the Conservation Laws
  31.The Invariant Action Principle of Electrodynamics
  32.Applications to Special Cases
  33.Minkowski's Phenomenological Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies
  34.Electron-Theoretical Derivations
  35.Energy-Momentum Tensor and Ponderomotive Force in Phenomenological Electrodynamics. Joule Heat
  36.Applications of the Theory
(C)Mechanics and General Dynamics
  37.Equation of Motion. Momentum and Kinetic Energy
  38.Relativistic Mechanics on a Basis Independent of Electrodynamics
  39.Hamilton's Principle in Relativistic Mechanics
  40.Generalized Coordinates. Canonical Form of the Equations of Motion

  41.The Inertia of Energy
  42.General Dynamics
  43.Transformation of Energy and Momentum of a System in the Presence of External Forces
  44.Applications to Special Cases. Trouton and Noble's Experiments
  45.Hydrodynamics and Theory of Elasticity
(d)Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
  46.Behaviour of the Thermodynamical Quantities Under a Lorentz Transformation
  47.The Principle of Least Action
  48.The Application of Relativity to Statistical Mechanics
  49.Special Cases
Part Ⅳ. General Theory of Relativity
  50.Historical Review, Up to Einstein's Paper of
  51.General Formulation of the Principle of Equivalence. Connection Between Gravitation and Metric
  52.The Postulate of the General Covariance of the Physical Laws
  53.Simple Deductions from the Principle of Equivalence
  54.Influence of the Gravitational Field on Material Phenomena
  55.The Action Principles for Material Processes in the Presence of Gravitational Fields
  56.The Field Equations of Gravitation
  57.Derivation of the Gravitational Equations from a Variational Principle
  58.Comparison with Experiment
  59.Other Special, Rigorous, Solutions for the Statical Case
  60.Einstein's General Approximative Solution and Its Applications
  61.The Energy of the Gravitational Field
  62.Modifications of the Field Equations. Relativity of Inertia and the Space-Bounded Universe
Part Ⅴ. Theories on the Nature of Charged Elementary Particles
  63.The Electron and the Special Theory of Relativity
  64.Mie's Theory
  65.Weyl's Theory
  66.Einstein's Theory
  67.General Remarks on the Present State of the Problem of Matter
Supplementary Notes
Author Index
Subject Index

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