幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:陳建輝|責編:趙春梅
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787513506083
  • 出版日期:2011/02/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:153
人民幣:RMB 36.9 元      售價:



Unit 1 Banks and BankingOrganizations
  I Warm-up
  II Shod Dialogs
  III Long Conversations
  1 Bank of China
  2 Foreign Banks in China
  IV Lecture & News Repod
  1 Banks in China
  2 News on the HSBC Bank
  V Research & Presentation
  VI Technical Terms
Unit 2 Deposit Services
  I Warm-up
  II Shod Dialogs
  III Long Conversations
  1 Personal Deposit Services
  2 Depositing Money
  IV Lectures
  1 Types of Bank Accounts
  2 Money Creation
  V Research & Presentation
  VI Technical Terms
Unit 3 Lending Business
  I Warm-up
  II Shod Dialogs
  III Long Conversations
  1 Applying for anpersonalLoans
  2 Personal Consumer Durables Loans
  IV Lecture & News Repod
  1 Lending Business
  2 News on the Citigroup
  V Research & Presentation
  VI Technical Terms
Unit 4 Financial Statements
  I Warm-up
  II Shod Dialogs
  III Long Conversations
  1 Entries of Financial Statements
  2 Statements of Cash Flows
  IV Lecture & News Repod
  1 Accounts and Entries
  2 Chart of Accounts
  V Research & Presentation
  VI Technical Terms
Unit 5 Financial Instruments
  I Warm-up
  II Short Dialogs
  III Long Conversations
  1 Bill Discounting
  2 A Banker's Draft

  IV Lectures
  1 Banker's Acceptance
  2 Types of Bills of Exchange
  V Research&Presentation
  VI Technical Terms
Unit 6 International Settlement
  I Warm-up
  II Short Dialogs
  III Long Conversations
  1 Types of Letters of Credit
  2 The Procedure for L/C Business
  IV Lectures
  1 Documentary Collections
  2 Means of International Settlement
  V Research & Presentation
  VI Technical Terms
Unit 7 Foreign Exchange Dealings
  I Warm-up
  II Short Dialogs
  III Long Conversations
  1 Buying RMB Against USD
  2 Selling RMB Yuan for the US Dollar
  IV Lectures
  1 Foreign Exchange Dealings with a Bank
  2 Futures Transactions
  V Research & Presentation
  VI Technical Terms
Unit 8 Insurance And Securities
  I Warm-up
  II Short Dialogs
  III Long Conversations
  1 Types of Insurance Products
  2 Insurance for Individuals
  IV Lecture & News Report
  1 Insurance Companies
  2 News on Stock Market
  V Research & Presentation
  VI Technical Terms

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