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  • 作者:編者:孫有中|責編:萬健玲
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787560077901
  • 出版日期:2008/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:285
人民幣:RMB 45.9 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Greek Culture
  The Funeral Oration of Pericles  Thucydides
  The Apology  Plato
  Politics  Aristotle
Chapter 2  Roman Culture
  Roman Oration  Aelius Aristides
  The Meditations  Marcus Aurelius
Chapter 3  Early Christianity
  The Gospel According to St.Matthew
  The City of God  Saint Augustine
Chapter 4  Middle Ages
  Summa Theologica  Thomas Aquinas
  The Christian Way of Life  St.Benedict of Nursia
Chapter 5  Renaissance
  Oration on the Dignity of Man  Pico della Mirandola
T  he Prince  Niccolo Machiavelli
Chapter6  The Reformation
  On Papal Power; Justification by Faith; The Interpretation of the Bible  Martin Luther
  The Institutes  John Calvin
Chapter 7  The Scientific Revolution
  Attack on Authority and Advocacy of Experimental Science Francis Bacon
  Discourse on Method  Rene Descartes
Chapter 8  The Enlightenment
  What is Enlightenment?  Immanuel Kant
  The Age of Reason  Thomas Paine
  The Second Treatise af Government  John Locke
Chapter 9  Romanticism
  Preface to Lyrical Ballads; The Tables Turned  William Wordsworth
  Faust  Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Chapter 10  Socialism
  The Communist Manifesto  Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
  The Old Curiosity Shop  Charles Dickens
Chapter 11  Liberalism
  The Wealth of Nations  Adam Smith
  On Liberty  John Stuart Mill
  Liberal Legislation and Freedom of Contract  Thomas Hill Green
Chapter 12  Darwinism
  On the Origin of Species; The Descent of Man  Charles Darwin
  Social Statics  Herbert Spencer
Chapter 13  The Challenge to the Tradition
  The Will to Power; The Antichrist  Friedrich Nietzsche
  Civilization and Its Discontents  Sigmund Freud
Chapter 14  The Modernist Movement
  Manifesto of Surrealism  Andre Breton
  Ulysses  James Joyce
  The Second Coming  W.B.Yeats
since feeling is first  e.e.cummings
Chapter 15  The West in an Age of Globalism
  Existentialism Is a Humanism  Jean-Paul Sartre
  The Feminine Mystique  Betty Friedan

Appendix 1  A Sketch of Western Civilization
Appendix 2  Great Books of the Western World

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