幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:趙雲利//劉景琳//王雲//趙秋嘉|責編:鄧建梅
  • 出版社:中國水利水電
  • ISBN:9787517084709
  • 出版日期:2020/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:150
人民幣:RMB 39.8 元      售價:



Chapter 1
  Myths and Legends神話傳說
  The Beginning of the World
  NLi Wa Creating Human Beings
  Gong Gong Hitting Buzhou Mountain
  Nu Wa Patching the Sky
  Kua Fu Chasing the Sun
  Hou Yi Shooting the Sun
  The Goddess Chang』e Flying to the Moon
  The Cowherd and the Weaving Maid
Chapter 2
  Tra、ditionaI Festivals傳統節
  The Spring Festival
  The Lantern Festival
  The Qingming Festival
  The Dragon Boat Festival
  The Qixi Festival
  The Mid-Autumn Festival
  The Double Ninth Festival
  The Winter Solstice
  The Laba Rice Porridge Festival
  Chinese New Year』s Eve
Chapter 3
  Colorful National Quintessence繽紛國粹
  Beijing Opera
  Chinese Kung Fu

  Traditional Chinese Medicine
  Traditional Chinese Painting
  Paper Cutting
  Classical Chinese Music
  Chinese Tea Culture
Chapter 4
  Magnificent National Treasures瑰麗國寶
  Houmuwu Square Cauldron
  The Square Zun with Four Goats
  The Marquis Yi Chime Bells
  Jade Clothes Sewn with Gold Threads
  Riverside Scene at the Qingming Festival
  The Preface to the Orch
Chapter 5
  Rites and Customs禮儀風俗
  The Chinese Zodiac
  The Twenty-four Solar Terms
  Traditional Wedding
  Family Values
  Taboo Numbers and Colors
  Reciprocal Courtesy
  Social Etiquette
Chapter 6

  Ancient Literature,Thought,Science
  and Technology古代文學、思想及科技
  Classical Chinese Poetry
  Tang Poetry
  Song Ci
  Yuan Qu
  Confucius and Confucianism
  Hundred Schools of Thought
  The Chinese Character
  Ancient Chinese Philosophy
  Ancient Chinese Science and Technology
  Four Great Inventions
  Ancient Chinese Fiction
  A Dream of Red Mansions
  The Journey to the West
  The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
  The Water Margin
Chapter 7
  ClassicaI Attire and Utensils
  Traditional Chinese Clothing
  The Origin of Qipao
  The Ink Brush
  The Circular Fan
  The Oil—Paper Umbrella
  The Chinese Lantern

  The Jade Pendant

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