幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:(美)德萊塞|責編:都楠楠|總主編:蔣洪新
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787521316209
  • 出版日期:2020/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:598
人民幣:RMB 60 元      售價:



Chapter 1 The Magnet Attracting: A Waif amid Forces
Chapter 2 What Poverty Threatened: Of Granite and Brass
Chapter 3 We Question of Fortune: Four-fifty a Week
Chapter 4 The Spendings of Fancy: Facts Answer with Sneers
Chapter 5 A Glittering Night Flower: The Use of a Name
Chapter 6 The Machine and the Maiden: A Knight of To-day
Chapter 7 The Lure of the Material: Beauty Speaks for Itself
Chapter 8 Intirnations by Winter: An Ambassador Summoned
Chapter 9 Convention's Own Tinder-box: The Eye That Is Green
Chapter 10 The Counsel of Winter: Fortune's Ambassador Calls
Chapter 11 The Persuasion of Fashion: Feeling Guards O'er Its Own
Chapter 12 Of the Lamps of the Mansions: The Ambassador Plea
Chapter 13 His Credentials Accepted: A Babel of Tongues
Chapter 14 With Eyes and Not Seeing: One Influence Wanes
Chapter 15 The Irk of the Old Ties: The Magic of Youth
Chapter 16 A Witless Aladdin: The Gate to the World ls
Chapter 17 A Glimpse Through the Gat~way: Hope Light~rts the Eye
Chapter 18 Just Over the Border: A Hail and Farewell
Chapter 19 An Hour in Elfland: A Clamor Half Heard
Chapter 20 The Lure of the Spirit: The Flesh in Pursuit
Chapter 21 The Lure of the Spirit: The Flesh in Pursuit
Chapter 22 The Blaze of the Tinder: Flesh Wars with the Flesh
Chapter 23 A Spirit in Travail: One Rung Put Behind
Chapter 24 Ashes of Tinder: A Face at the Window
Chapter 25 Ashes of Tinder: The Loosing of Stays
Chapter 26 The Ambassador Fallen: A Search for the Gate
Chapter 27 When Waters Engulf Us We Reach for a Star
Chapter 28 A Pilgrim, an Outlaw: The Spirit Detained
Chapter 29 The Solace of Travel: The Boats of the Sea
Chapter 30 The Kingdom of Greatness: The Pilgrim Adream 35o
Chapter 31 A Pet of Good Fortune: Broadway Flaunts Its Joys
Chapter 32 The Feast of Belshazzar: A Seer to Translate
Chapter 33 Without the Walled City: The Slope of the Years
Chapter 34 The Grind of the Millstones: A Sample of Chaff
Chapter 35 The Passing of Effort: The Visage of Care
Chapter 36 A Grim Retrogression: The Phantom of Chance
Chapter 37 The Spirit Awakens: New Search for the Gate
Chapter 38 Lrl Elf Land Disporting: The Grim World Without
Chapter 39 Of Lights and of Shadows: The Parting of Worlds
Chapter 40 A Public Dissension: A Final Appeal
Chapter 41 The Strike
Chapter 42 A Touch of Spring: The Empty Shell so
Chapter 43 The World Turns Flatter: An Eye in the Dark
Chapter 44 And This Is Not Elfland: What Gold Will Not Buy
Chapter 45 Curious Shifts of the Poor
Chapter 46 Stirring Troubled Waters
Chapter 47 The Way of the Beaten: A Harp in the Wind

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