幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:(美)馬克·吐溫|責編:周渝毅|總主編:蔣洪新
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787521316193
  • 出版日期:2020/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:383
人民幣:RMB 42 元      售價:


    馬克·吐溫(Mark Twain,1835-1910),原名塞繆爾·朗霍恩·克萊門斯,生於美國密蘇里州佛羅里達,先後當過印刷所學徒、報童、排字工人、水手、輪船駕駛員和報館記者等,四處奔波,經歷豐富。1865年,他發表了成名作《卡拉韋拉斯縣聲名狼藉的跳蛙》,一生筆耕不輟。著有長篇小說《湯姆·索亞歷險記/經典文學名著》《赫克貝利·芬恩歷險記》《王子與貧兒》以及中短篇小說《百萬英鎊》《敗壞了哈德萊堡名聲的人》《競選州長》等。他是美國文學史上第一個用純粹的美國口語進行寫作的作家,開創了一代文風。

Chapter 1 Discover Moses and the Bulrushers
Chapter 2 Our Gang's Dark Oath
Chapter 3 We Ambuscade the A-rabs
Chapter 4 The Hair-ball Oracle
Chapter 5 Pap Starts in on a New Life
Chapter 6 Pap Struggles with the Death Angel
Chapter 7 I Fool Pap and Get Away
Chapter 8 I Spare Miss Watson's Jim
Chapter 9 The House of Death Floats By
Chapter 10 What Comes of Handlin' Snake-skin
Chapter 11 They're After Us
Chapter 12 "Better Let Blame Well Alone"
Chapter 13 Honest Loot from the "Walter Scott"
Chapter 14 Was Solomon Wise
Chapter 15 Fooling Poor Old Jim
Chapter 16 The Rattlesnake-skin Does Its Work
Chapter 17 The Grangerfords Take Me In
Chapter 18 Why Harney Rode Away for His Hat
Chapter 19 The Duke and the Dauphin Come Aboard
Chapter 20 What Royalty Did to Parkville
Chapter 21 An Arkansaw Difficulty
Chapter 22 Why the Lynching Bee Failed
Chapter 23 The Orneriness of Kings
Chapter 24 The King Turns Parson
Chapter 25 All Full of Tears and Flapdoodle
Chapter 26 I Steal the King's Plunder
Chapter 27 Dead Peter Has His Gold
Chapter 28 Overreaching Don't Pay
Chapter 29 I Light Out in the Storm
Chapter 30 The Gold Save the Thieves
Chapter 31 You Can't Pray a Lie
Chapter 32 I Have a New Name
Chapter 33 The Pitiful Ending of Royalty
Chapter 34 We Cheer Up Jim
Chapter 35 Dark, Deep-laid Plans
Chapter 36 Trying to Help Jim
Chapter 37 Jim Gets His Witch Pie
Chapter 38 "Here a Captive Heart Busted"
Chapter 39 Tom Writes Nonnamous Letters
Chapter 40 A Mixed-up and Splendid Rescue
Chapter 41 "Must 'A' Been Sperits"
Chapter 42 Why They Didn't Hang Jim
Chapter 43 Nothing More to Write

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