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  • 作者:編者:黎明|責編:滿悅芝
  • 出版社:化學工業
  • ISBN:9787122353511
  • 出版日期:2019/12/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:216
人民幣:RMB 58 元      售價:



Part Ⅰ  Introduction of Basic Statistics
  1.1  The Nature of Statistics
    1.1.1  What Is Statistics?
    1.1.2  Population and sample
    1.1.3  Descriptive and Inferential Statistics
    1.1.4  Parameters and Statistics
    1.1.5  Statistical Data Analysis
  1.2  Variables and Organization of the Data
    1.2.1  Variables
    1.2.2  Organization of the Data
  1.3  Describe data by Tables and Graphs
    1.3.1  Qualitative Variable
    1.3.2  Quantitative Variable
    1.3.3  Samples and Population Distributions
  1.4  Measures of Center
    1.4.1  The Mode
    1.4.2  The Median
    1.4.3  The Mean
    1.4.4  Which Measure to Choose?
  1.5  Measures of Variation
    1.5.1  Range
    1.5.2  Interquartile Range
    1.5.3  Standard Deviation
    1.5.4  Sample Statistics and Population Parameters
  1.6  Probability Distributions and Normal Distributions
    1.6.1  Probability Distributions
    1.6.2  Mean and Standard Deviation of Random Variables
    1.6.3  Normal Distributions
  1.7  Sampling Distributions and Sample Means
    1.7.1  Sampling Distributions
    1.7.2  Sampling Distributions of Sample Means
  1.8  Estimation
    1.8.1  Point Estimation
    1.8.2  Confidence Interval
  1.9  Hypothesis Testing
    1.9.1  Hypotheses
    1.9.2  Significance Test for a Population Mean μ
  1.10  Summarization of Bivariate Data
    1.10.1  Qualitative Variables
    1.10.2  Qualitative Variables and Quantitative Variables
    1.10.3  Quantitative Variables
  1.11  Scatterplot and Correlation Coefficient
    1.11.1  Scatterplot
    1.11.2  Correlation Coefficient
Part Ⅱ  Statistical Application with Excel
  2.1  Sample Size, Mean, Standard Deviation, and Standard Error of the Mean
    2.1.1  Mean
    2.1.2  Standard Deviation
    2.1.3  Standard Error of the Mean
    2.1.4  Sample Size, Mean, Standard Deviation, and Standard Error of the Mean

    2.1.5  Saving a Spreadsheet
    2.1.6  Printing a Spreadsheet
    2.1.7  Formatting Numbers in Currency Format (2 Decimal Places)
    2.1.8  Formatting Numbers in Number Format (3 Decimal Places)
    2.1.9  End-of-chapter Practice Problems
  2.2  Random Number Generator
    2.2.1  Creating Frame Numbers for Generating Random Numbers
    2.2.2  Creating Random Numbers in an Excel Worksheet
    2.2.3  Sorting Frame Numbers into a Random Sequence
    2.2.4  Printing an Excel File So That All of the Information Fits onto One Page
    2.2.5  End-of-chapter Practice Problems
  2.3  Confidence Interval about the Mean by Using the TINV Function and Hypothesis Testing
    2.3.1  Confidence Interval about the Mean
    2.3.2  Hypothesis Testing
    2.3.3  Alternative Ways to Summarize the Result of a Hypothesis Test
    2.3.4  End-of-chapter Practice Problems
  2.4  One-group t-test for the Mean
    2.4.1  The 7 Steps for Hypothesis-testing by Using the One-group t-test
    2.4.2  One-group t-test for the Mean
    2.4.3  Can You Use Either the 95 Percent Confidence Interval about the Mean or the One-group t-test When Testing Hypothesis?
    2.4.4  End-of-chapter Practice Problems
  2.5  Two-group t-test of the Difference of the Means for Independent Groups
    2.5.1  The 9 Steps for Hypothesis-testing by Using the Two-group t-test
    2.5.2  Formula #1: Both Groups Have More Than 30 People in Them
    2.5.3  Formula #2: One or Both Groups Have Fewer than 30 People in Them
    2.5.4  End-of-chapter Practice Problems
  2.6  Correlation and Simple Linear Regression
    2.6.1  What Is a "Correlation"?
    2.6.2  Using Excel to Compute a Correlation Between Two Variables
    2.6.3  Creating a Chart and Drawing the Regression Line onto the Chart
    2.6.4  Printing a Spreadsheet So That the Table and Chart Fit onto One Page
    2.6.5  Finding the Regression Equation
    2.6.6  Adding the Regression Equation to the Chart
    2.6.7  How to Recognize Negative Correlations in the Summary Output Table
    2.6.8  Printing Only Part of a Spreadsheet Instead of the Entire Spreadsheet
    2.6.9  End-of-chapter Practice Problems
  2.7  Multiple Correlation and Multiple Regression
    2.7.1  Multiple Regression Equation
    2.7.2  Finding the Multiple Correlation and the Multiple Regression Equation
    2.7.3  Using the Regression Equation to Predict Annual Sales
    2.7.4  Using Excel to Create a Correlation Matrix in Multiple Regression
    2.7.5  End-of-chapter Practice Problems
  2.8  One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
    2.8.1  Using Excel to Perform a One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)  TABLE 2  The Cumulative Standardized Normal Distribution
  TABLE 3  Critical Values of t
  TABLE 4  Critical Values of χ2
  TABLE 5  Critical Values of F

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