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  • 作者:編者:庄恩平//(美)薩斯曼|責編:衛昱
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787513542098
  • 出版日期:2014/04/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:269
人民幣:RMB 49.9 元      售價:



Part One Basic Concepts of Intercultural Communication
  Unit 1 Culture Behind Language
    Reading 1 Language, Thought, Culture, and Intercultural Communication
    Reading 2 Language Mirrors Values
  Unit 2 Communicating Interculturally
    Reading 1 The Link Between Culture and Communication
    Reading 2 Intercultural Awareness and Communication
  Unit 3 Barriers in Intercultural Communication
    Reading 1 Experiencing Intercultural Communication
    Reading 2 Cultural Biases and Intercultural Communication
  Unit 4 Intercultural Adaptation
    Reading 1 Internationalisation and Intercultural Competences
    Reading 2 Studying Abroad and Culture Shock
Part Two Intercultural Skills
  Unit 5 Understanding Cultural Differences
    Reading 1 Dynamics of Intercultural Communication
    Reading 2 Understanding Values Behind Businesspeople
  Unit 6 Time and Culture
    Reading 1 Time and Culture
    Reading 2 Managing Change in a Past-Oriented Culture
  Unit 7 Communicating Nonverbally
    Reading 1 Defining Nonverbal Communication
    Reading 2 Nonverbal Communication
  Unit 8 Different Communication Styles
    Reading 1 Ways of Reasoning
    Reading 2 Teaching Culture:Perspectives in Practice
Part Three Applications of Intercultural Communication
  Unit 9 Innovation and Education
    Reading 1 Differences That Make a Difference
    Reading 2 The Global Campus: Challenges and Opportunities
  Unit 10 Intercultural Training
    Reading 1 What Are Intercultural Services?
    Reading 2 Working Abroad and Expatriate Adjustment
  Unit 11 Intercultural Business Communication
    Reading 1 The Theoretical Foundation for Intercultural Business Communication: A Conceptual Model(Part 1)
    Reading 2 The Theoretical Foundation for Intercultural Business Communication: A Conceptual Model(Part 2)
    Reading 1 China Needs More Public Diplomacy,Zhao Says
    Reading 2 Public Diplomacy Gains Ground

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