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  • 作者:編者:陶長安|責編:胡雪吟//姚碩
  • 出版社:中國科大
  • ISBN:9787312046070
  • 出版日期:2020/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:138
人民幣:RMB 36 元      售價:



Lesson 1  The Golden Hall & Austria
Lesson 2  Italy: the Cradle of European Renaissance
Lesson 3  Russia: the Largest Country in the World
Lesson 4  Spain
Lesson 5  Athens: a Place of Mythology
Lesson 6  Poland: a Musical Country
Lesson 7  Germany: a Full Market Country
Lesson 8  Paris: a City of Museums
Lesson 9  Netherlands: a Country Lower than the Sea Level
Lesson 10  The British Empire
Lesson 11  America: a Place of Discovery
Lesson 12  Travel in the U.S.
Lesson 13  Canada: an Ideal Place for Studying Abroad
Lesson 14  Brazil
Lesson 15  Life in New Zealand
Lesson 16  Australia: the World of Animals
Lesson 17  The Origin of Universe
Lesson 18  Geology and Landscape
Lesson 19  The Tower of Babel
Lesson 20  India
Lesson 21  Traveling Around China
Lesson 22  Egypt: the Place to Be
Lesson 23  Greece: the Birthplace of Western Philosophy
Lesson 24  Switzerland: a Neutral Country
Lesson 25  Vatican: a Country Within a Country
Lesson 26  Lottery and Stocks
Lesson 27  Rise and Fall of the Great Powers
Lesson 28  Vision and Mission of the UN
Lesson 29  Voting System and Records of Security Council
Lesson 30  Functions and Powers of the General Assembly
Lesson 31  Debate Skills
Lesson 32  Debate on Climate Change

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