幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:張凱//劉社會//陳曦//左珊丹//施家煒等|責編:付彥白|總主編:劉珣
  • 出版社:北京語言大學
  • ISBN:9787561934319
  • 出版日期:2012/12/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:323
人民幣:RMB 72 元      售價:

    New Practical Chinese Reader is a new series of textbooks designed for native English speakers to learn Chinese. It consists of 70 lessons in six volumes, covering beginning to intermediate levels for three years of instruction, it has been compiled under the guidance of the new HSK Guideline and in consultation with NOTCFL Syllabus. The objective of this series is to develop the student's ability to communicate in Chinese through the study of language structure, language function, and related cultural knowledge along with the training of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
    In order to make the study of Chinese easier and more interesting, this textbook has the following features:
    The student will be in the cultural settings of Chinese society with several international students, Ding Libo (son of Gu Bo and Ding Yun), Lin Na and Ma Dawei. Through many interesting experiences, the student will not only learn authentic Chinese, but also understand Chinese society and culture.
    The instruction of functional items is emphasized. The student will learn to use Chinese from the very beginning of the learning process.
    Attention is paid to the instruction of pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and discourse and a gradual increase in difficulty, orderly advances and multiple repeats are stressed along with the usage of four large cycles to help students understand the language structure of Chinese.
    A new method of teaching Chinese characters is utilized to help students read and write intriguing characters.
    Combined instruction of the four basic skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing, is emphasized.
    It offers tremendous flexibility. The instructional materials are suitable for users at different starting points and with different goals.
    Abundant practice materials are supplied for the student to use inside and outside the classroom.    本書為第四冊課本。


39 別總說「親愛的」,好不好
  Pleasa stop saying「親愛的」all the time,OK?
  一、課文 Texts
  二、練習 Exercises
    練習與運用 Drills and Practice
    1.表示必須 Expressing necessity
    2.誇獎與回答 Praising and responding to praise
    3.抱怨與解釋 Complaining and giving an explanation
    (一)詞語例解 Word Usage and Examples 總(是)終於必須究竟
    (二)句子結構 Sentence Structure
      1.用「A+得多」表示程度 「A+得多」denoting a degree or an extent
      2.一天比一天+A The construction「一天比一天+A」
      3.不是……,而是…… The construction「不是……,而是……,」
  四、字與詞 Chinese Characters and Words
  文化知識 Cultural Note
    Changes in Chinese People's Views on Love and Marriage
40 「半訪天」和「全職太太」
  Careen Women and housewives
  二、練習 Exercises
    練習與運用 Drills and Practice
    1.表示強調 Expressing emphasis
    2.採訪 Interviewing people
    3.演講 Makinga speech
    (一)詞語例解 Word Usage and Examples 幾乎為了在……方面 在……中
    (二)句子結構 Sentence Structure
      1.兩次否定 Double negation
      2.要是……,就…… The construction「要是……,就……」
      3.只有……,才…… The construction「只有……,才……」
      4.獨立語 The detached phrase
  四、字與詞 Chinese Characters and Words
  文化知識 Cultural Note
    Pluralistic Views of「Equality between Men and Women」
41 我想自己開個律師事務所
42 洋姑爺在農村過春節
43 讀《孔乙己》
44 (複習)買的沒有賣的精
45 馬大為求職
46 現在誰最累
47 打工的大學生多起來了
48 我是獨生子女
49 「頭痛醫腳」
50 (複習)我有可能坐中國飛船到太空旅行了

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