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  • 作者:編者:張丹丹|責編:張利萍
  • 出版社:知識產權
  • ISBN:9787513067218
  • 出版日期:2020/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:151
人民幣:RMB 48 元      售價:



UNIT 1 Welcome to Debate
  Section 1 Learning about how to debate
    Debate:A Brief Introduction
  Section 2 Preparing to debate
    Social Networking Is a Way of Being
  Section 3 Let's debate!
UNIT 2 The Structure of Argument
  Section 1 Learning about how to debate
    The Structure of Argument
  Section 2 Preparing to debate
    Playing Violent Video Games Leads to Increased Aggression
  Section 3 Let's debate!
UNIT 3 Arguing for the Affirmative
  Section 1 Learning about how to debate
    Types of Motions
    Arguing for the Affirmative
  Section 2 Preparing to debate
    The Evolution of the Family
  Section 3 Let's debate!
UNIT 4 Arguing for the Negative
  Section 1 Learning about how to debate
    Arguing for the Negative
    Attacking the Affirmative Case
  Section 2 Preparing to debate
    Who is Responsible When a Child Breaks the Law?
  Section 3 Let's debate!
UNIT 5 Refutation and Point of Information
  Section 1 Learning about how to debate
  Section 2 Preparing to debate
    No Parking:Oslo Aims to Limit Carsin City Center
  Section 3 Let's debate!
UNIT 6 Fallacies
  Section 1 Learning about how to debate
  Section 2 Preparing to debate
    Global Mismatch Between Green house Gas Emissions and the Burden of Climate Change
  Section 3 Let's debate!
UNIT 7 Delivery in Debate
  Section 1 Learning about how to debate
    Delivery in Debate
  Section 2 Preparing to debate
    What It Means to Legalize Euthanasia
  Section 3 Let's debate!
UNIT 8 Judging aDebate
  Section 1 Learning about how to debate
    Judging a Debate
  Section 2 Preparing to debate
    Nuclear Power Can Save the World
  Section 3 Let's debate!


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