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  • 作者:編者:呂正梅|責編:于秀梅//趙倩倩
  • 出版社:中國科大
  • ISBN:9787312048012
  • 出版日期:2020/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:137
人民幣:RMB 48 元      售價:

    This book is first-class teaching material for colleges and universities in Anhui Province. It is an experimental textbook for clinical and non-clinical undergraduates which is on the basis of the authors' reference  to  a  large  number  of domestic  and  foreign  literature,  absorbing  their  advantages  and combined with the authors' teaching and basic research experience. This book is rich in content and easy to understand. It contains lots of pictures, which is very helpful for experimental operation and structural observation.
    The book has 24 chapters, which are synchronized with classroom theory teaching and equipped with  theoretical  knowledge,  exercises  and  so  on.  It  can  inspire  students  to  think  and  learn independently, which is beneficial to improve readers' ability of analyzing and solving problems. The target readers are the clinical and non-clinical undergraduates in medical colleges, as well as relevant professional teachers and medical workers.


Chapter 1 Introduction
  Overview of the Course
  Histological Techniques
  The Microscope
  Notice for Histology and Embryology Laborotary
Chapter 2 Epithelial Tissue
  Learning Objectives
  Histology Slides
Chapter 3 Connective Tissue Proper
  Learning Objectives
  Histology Slides
Chapter 4 Cartilage and Bone
  Learning Objectives
  Histology Slides
Chapter 5 Blood
  Learning Objectives
  Histology Slides
Chapter 6 Muscle
  Learning Objectives
  Histology Slides
Chapter 7 Nervous Tissue
  Learning Objectives
  Histology Slides
Chapter 8 Nervous System
  Learning Objectives
  Histology Slides
Chapter 9 Circulatory System
  Learning Objectives
  Histology Slides
Chapter 10 Immune System
  Learning Objectives
  Histology Slides
Chapter 11 Endocrine System
  Learning Objectives
  Histology Slides
Chapter 12 Skin
  Learning Objectives
  Histology Slides

Chapter 13 Eye and Ear
  Learning Objectives
  Histology Slides
Chapter 14 Digestive Tract
   Learning Objectives
   Histology Slides
Chapter 15 Digestive Gland
    Learning Objectives
    Histology Slides
Chapter 16 Respiratory System
    Learning Objectives
  Histology Slides
Chapter 17 Urinary System
  Learning Objectives
  Histology Slides
Chapter 18 Male Reproductive System
  Learning Objectives
  Histology Slides
Chapter 19 Female Reproductive System
  Learning Objectives
  Histology Slides
Charpter 20 General Embryology
  Learning Objectives
  Embryology Models
Chapter 21 Development of Face and Limbs
  Learning Objectives
  Embryology Models
Chapter 22 Development of Digestive and Respiratory Systems
  Learning Objectives
  Embryology Models
Chapter 23 Development of the Urogenital System
  Learning Objectives
  Embryology Models
Chapter 24 Development of the Circulatory System
  Learning Objectives
  Embryology Models
Appendix Mapping Practice

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