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  • 作者:編者:2020中國戰疫日誌編寫組|責編:楊璐|譯者:徐汀汀//姜曉寧//王瑋
  • 出版社:外文
  • ISBN:9787119123196
  • 出版日期:2020/02/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:121
人民幣:RMB 69 元      售價:



January 23  Wuhan in Lockdown
January 24  A Special New Year's Eve Dinner
January 25  Time Is Life
January 26  Be Brave, My Child
January 27  Premier Li Keqiang: Wuhan, Stay Strong!
January 28  She Represents the Hope of Recovery
January 29  CPC Members - To the Front!
January 30  You Care for Wuhan, We Care for You
January 31  Welcome Home
February 1  Production of Masks Speeds Up
February 2  Huoshenshan Hospital, Completed in 10 Days
February 3  22 Tons of Bananas: A Return of Gratitude
February 4  Please Be Cooperative with the "Gatekeepers"
February 5  I'm Not a Virus
February 6  The Longest Ever List of Checked Luggage
February 7  Not Dressed for Battle? Let's Don the Chestplate!
February 8  A Fight on Different Battlefields
February 9  At Close Range
February 10  Fighters in White Coats
February 11  Finding the Power of Life and Peace of Heart
February 12  We Always Have Your Back
February 13  Towards Wuhan
February 14  Love Prevails Against the Epidemic
February 15  First Snow in Wuhan
February 16  No Small Matter on the Frontline
February 17  Returning to Work
February 18  A Coffee Warms Us Up
February 19  Sowing Hope in the Spring Fields
February 20  Chinese "Nightingales" in Wuhan
February 21  A Wedding Invitation That Will Never Be Sent
February 22  I Don't Want to Cry
February 23  When It All Passes
Editor's Note

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