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  • 作者:編者:(日)日本機械學會|責編:胡偉曄|譯者:祝寶山//張信榮//王世學
  • 出版社:北京大學
  • ISBN:9787301225424
  • 出版日期:2013/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:206
人民幣:RMB 45 元      售價:



第一章  流體的性質與分類(Properties of Fluids)
  1.1  概論(introduction)
    1.1.1  流體力學的定義(what is fluid mechanics)
    1.1.2  本書的使用方法(how to use this book)
  1.2  流體的基本性質(properties of fluids)
    1.2.1  密度和比重(density and specific weight)
    1.2.2  粘度和運動粘度(viscosity and kinematic viscosity)
    1.2.3  體積彈性模量和壓縮率(bulk modulus of elasticity and compressibility)
    *1.2.4  表面張力(surface tension)
  1.3  流體的分類(classification of fluids)
    1.3.1  粘性流體和非粘性流體(viscous and inviscid fluid)
    1.3.2  牛頓流體和非牛頓流體(Newtonihn and non-Newtonian fluids)
    1.3.3  可壓縮流體和不可壓縮流體(compressible and incompressible fluids)
    1.3.4  理想流體(ideal fluid)
  1.4  單位與量綱(units and dimensions)
    1.4.1  單位制(systems of units)
   *1.4.2  量綱(dimension)
第二章  流體流動基礎(Fundamentals of Fluid Flow)
  2.1  表徵流體流動的物理量(properties of fluid flow)
    2.1.1  速度和流量(velocity and flow rate)
   *2.1.2  流體的加速度(acceleration of flow)
    2.1.3  壓力和切應力(pressure and shear stress)
   *2.1.4  流線、脈線、跡線(stream line,streak line and path line)
   *2.1.5  流體的變形與旋轉(deformation and rotation of fluid)
  2.2  流動分類(classification of flows)
    2.2.1  定常流動與非定常流動(steady and unsteady flows)
    2.2.2  均勻流動與非均勻流動(uniform and non-uniform flows)
    2.2.3  渦(vortex)
    2.2.4  層流和湍流(1aminar and turbulent flows)
    2.2.5  多相流(multi-phase flow)
第3章  流體靜力學(Fluid Statics)
  3.1  靜止流體中的壓力(pressure in a static fluid)
    3.1.1  壓力和各向同性(pressure and its isotropy)
   *3.1.2  歐拉平衡方程式(Euler's equilibrium equation)
    3.1.3  重力場中的壓力分佈(pressure distribution in the gravity field)
    3.1.4  壓力計(manometer)
  3.2  作用在面上的流體靜壓力(hydrostatic forces on surfaces)
    3.2.1  作用在平面上的力(force on flat surfaces)
    3.2.2  作用在曲面上的力(force on curved surfaces)
  3.3  浮力和浮體的穩定性(buoyancy and stability of floating bodies)
    3.3.1  阿基米德原理(Archimedes' principle)
    *3.3.2  浮體的穩定性(stability of floating bodies)
  3.4  相對平衡狀態下的壓力分佈(pressure distribution in relative equilibrium)
    3.4.1  直線運動(1inear motion)
    3.4.2  強制渦(forced vortex)
第4章  准一維流動(Quasi-one-dimensional Flow)
  4.1  連續方程(continuity equation)

  4.2  質量守恆定律(conservation of mass)
  4.3  能量方程(energy equation)
  4.4  貝努利方程(Bernoulli's equation)
第5章  動量定理(Momentum Principle)
  5.1  質量守恆定律(conservation of mass)
  5.2  動量方程(momentum equation)
  5.3  動量矩方程(moment-of-momentum equation)
第6章  管內流動(Pipe Flows)
  6.1  管流摩擦損失(friction loss of pipe flows)
    6.1.1  流體的粘性(viscosity of fluid)
    6.1.2  管流摩擦損失(friction loss of pipe flow)
  6.2  直圓管內流動(straight pipe flow)
    6.2.1  進口段流動(inlet flow)
    6.2.2  圓管內層流(1aminar pipe flow)
    6.2.3  圓管內湍流(turbulent pipe flow)
  6.3  擴散、收縮管內流動(divergent and convergent pipe flows)
    6.3.1  管路各種損失(10sses in piping system)
    6.3.2  截面積突變的管路(pipes with abrupt area change)
    6.3.3  截面積漸變的管路(pipes with gradual area change)
    6.3.4  具有節流裝置的管路(pipes with throat)
  6.4  彎管內的流動(curved pipe flow)
    6.4.1  肘形彎頭與弧形彎頭(elbow and bend)
    6.4.2  彎管(curved pipe)
    6.4.3  分叉管(branch pipe)
  6.5  矩形管內的流動(rectangular duct flow)
第7章  物體繞流(Flow around a Body)
  7.1  阻力與升力(drag and lift)
    7.1.1  阻力(drag)
    7.1.2  升力(1ift)
  7.2  圓柱繞流和卡門渦(flow around a cylinder and Karman vortex)
  7.3  圓柱繞流的鎖定現象(lock-in phenomena of flow around a cylinder)
第8章  流體運動方程式(The Equations of Fluid Motion)
  8.1  連續方程(continuity equation)
  8.2  粘性準則(viscosity law)
    8.2.1  壓力與粘性應力(pressure and viscous stress)
    8.2.2  變形速率(strain rate)
    8.2.3  本構方程式(constitutive equation)
  8.3  納維爾—斯托克斯方程式(Navier-Stokes equations)
    8.3.1  動量守恆定律(conservation of momentum)
    8.3.2  納維爾—斯托克斯方程式的近似解(approximation of Navier-Stokes equations)
    8.3.3  邊界條件(boundary conditions)
    8.3.4  移動和旋轉坐標系(moving and rotating coordinate system)
  8.4  歐拉方程式(Euler's equations)
第9章  剪切流(Shear Flows)
  9.1  邊界層(boundary layer)

    9.1.1  邊界層理論(boundary layer theory)
    9.1.2  邊界層方程(boundary layer equation)
    9.1.3  邊界層沿流動方向的變化(downstream change of boundary layer)
    9.1.4  雷諾平均與雷諾應力(Reynolds average and Reynolds stress)
    9.1.5  湍流邊界層的平均速度分佈(mean velocity profile in turbulent boundary layer)
    9.1.6  邊界層的分離和邊界層控制(boundary layer separation and boundary layer control)
  9.2  射流、尾跡、混合層(jet,wake and mixing layer)
第10章  勢流fPotential Flow)
  10.1  勢流的基本公式(fundamental equations of potential flow)
    10.1.1  複數的定義(definition of complex number)
    10.1.2  理想流體的基本方程(fundamental equations of fdeal flows)
  10.2  速度勢(velocity potential)
  10.3  流函數(stream function)
  10.4  復勢(complex potential)
  10.5  基本的二維勢流(fundamental two-dimensional potential flows)
    10.5.1  均勻流(uniform flows)
    10.5.2  點源和點匯(source and sink)
    10.5.3  渦(vortex)
    10.5.4  偶板子(doublet)
  10.6  圓柱繞流(flow around a circular cylinder)
  10.7  儒科夫斯基變換(Joukowski's transformation)
第11章  可壓縮流體的流動(Compressible Flow)
  11.1  根據馬赫數的流動分類(flow regimes with Mach number)
  11.2  可壓縮流動的基本方程式(fundamental equations for compressible flow)
    11.2.1  熱力學關係式(thermodynamic equations)
    11.2.2  聲速(sound velocity)
    11.2.3  連續方程(continuity equation)
    11.2.4  運動方程(equation of motion)
    11.2.5  動量方程(momentum equation)
    11.2.6  能量方程(energy equation)
    11.2.7  流線與能量方程(streamlines and energy equation)
  11.3  等熵流動(isentropic flow)
  11.4  激波關係式(shock wave relations)
    11.4.1  激波的發生(shock wave generation)
    11.4.2  正激波的關係式(normM shock wave relations)

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