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  • 作者:編者:王強//白莉紅|責編:蔡洪偉//陳有華
  • 出版社:化學工業
  • ISBN:9787122115416
  • 出版日期:2020/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:181
人民幣:RMB 30 元      售價:



Unit 1
  Section A  Speaking Practice
    Visiting a Clothing Firm  參觀服裝公司
  Section B  Text Learning
    Major Departments in a Clothing Firm  服裝公司主要部門
      The Designing Department  設計部
      The Techniques Developing Department  技術研發部
      The Sales Department  銷售部
  Section C  Extensive Reading
    Li-Ning Sporting Goods Co.Ltd.  李寧運動服飾有限公司
Unit 2
  Section A  Speaking Practice
    Trying on a New Style Dress  試穿新款服裝
  Section B  Text Learning
    Basic Styles of Clothing  服裝基本款式
      Women's Wear  女裝
      Men's Wear  男裝
      Children's Wear  童裝
  Section C  Extensive Reading
    Jean-Paul Gaultier 讓·保羅·戈帝埃
Unit 3
  Section A  Speaking Practice
    Fashion Designer's Work  設計師的工作
  Section B  Text Learning
    Basic Structure of Clothing  服裝基本結構
      Main Location and Method of Anthropometric Surveys for Garment  服裝人體測量的主要部位與方法
      Pattern Making  制板
  Section C  Extensive Reading
    How to Draft the Basic Trouser Block  褲裝原型的畫法
Unit 4
  Section A  Speaking Practice
    Purchasing a Suitable Sewing Machine  購買服裝設備
  Section B  Text Learning
    Clothing Industry Equipment  服裝設備
      Sewing Machine  縫紉機
      Pressing Equipment  熨燙設備
      Miscellaneous Tools  其他工具
  Section C  Extensive Reading
    Brother Industries, Ltd.  日本兄弟工業株式會社
Unit 5
  Section A  Speaking Practice
    Clothing Quality Control  服裝質量管理
  Section B  Text Learning
    Techniques of Making up Clothing  服裝縫製工藝
      Hand Stitching  手縫針法
      Seams Type  機縫縫型
      Pressing  熨燙
  Section C  Extensive Reading
    Tailored Shirts  縫製襯衫
Unit 6

  Section A  Speaking Practice
    Choosing Fabrics
  Section B  Text Learning
    Materials for Clothing  服裝材料
      Fabrics  面料
      Lining  里料
      Interlining  內襯
  Section C  Extensive Reading
    Selecting Material  面料的選擇
  Section A  Speaking Practice
    Making a Contract  簽訂合同
  Section B  Text Learning
    Clothing Marketing and Merchandising  服裝市場與營銷
      Market Segmentation  市場細分
      Merchandising Policies  銷售策略
  Section C  Extensive Reading
    Fashion in China  時尚在中國
Unit 8
  Section A  Speaking Practice
    Meeting with Foreign Merchants  會見外國客商
  Section B  Text Learning
    Global Clothing Trade  全球服裝貿易
      Making an Offer  發盤
      Booking an Order  下訂單
      Executing an Order  執行訂單
  Section C  Extensive Reading
    Outlook for China's Trade on Textile & Clothing 2006  2006年中國紡織與服裝貿易展望
Unit 9
  Section A  Speaking Practice
    Going Shopping with Close Friends  購物
  Section B  Text Learning
    Fashion Accessories  服裝配飾
      Role of Accessories  飾品的作用
      Head Wear  帽飾
      Foot Wear  鞋類
      Jewelry 首飾
      Otheer Accessories 其他飾品
  Section C  Extensive Reading
    All Sorts of Accessories  各種飾品
Unit 10
  Section A  Speaking Practice
    A Fashion Show  服裝博覽會
  Section B  Text Learning
    Fashion Popularity  服飾流行趨勢
      Styles in Different Ages  不同時代服飾風格
      The Fashion Cycle  服裝流行周期
  Section C  Extensive Reading
    Trend Prediction  流行趨勢預測
Appendix 1  Orders  訂單

Appendix 2  Structure of Jacket
Appendix 3  Sketches of Styles  款式圖
Appendix 4  Stitches
Appendix 5  Fabrics  服裝面料
Appendix 6  Vocabulary  單詞表
Appendix 7  Answers and Translation  答案與譯文

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