幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:鄭靜//童常青//汪騰哲|責編:盧楊//陳婷
  • 出版社:西安電子科大
  • ISBN:9787560654492
  • 出版日期:2019/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:82
人民幣:RMB 20 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Classical Probability
  1.1  Sample Space
  1.2  Event
  1.3  Counting Sample Points
    1.3.1  Multiplication Rule
    1.3.2  Permutations and Combinations
  1.4  The Concept of Probability
  1.5  The Axioms of Probability
  1.6  Some Element Properties on Probability
  1.7  Assignment of Probabilities
  1.8  Calculating Probabilities for Unions and Complements  ...
  1.9  Conditional Probability
  1.10  Independence
  1.11  The Law of Total Probability
  1.12  Bayes Rule
Chapter 2  Discrete Random Variables
  2.1  Random Variables
  2.2  Discrete Probability Distribution
  2.3  Distribution Functions for Random Variables
  2.4  Expected Values
  2.5  Functions of a Random Variable
  2.6  Variance and Standard Deviation
Chapter 3  Continuous Random Variables
  3.1  Distribution Functions for Continuous Random Variables
  3.2  Expected Values
  3.3  Variance
  3.4  Properties of Expected Values and Variances
Chapter 4  Examples of Random Variables
  4.1  Binomial Distribution
  4.2  Properties of Binomial Distributions
  4.3  Poisson Distributions
  4.4  The Normal Distribution
  4.5  Relationships Between Binomial and Normal Distributions
Chapter 5  Descriptive Statistics
  5.1  Measures of Central Tendency
  5.2  Measures of Dispersion
  5.3  Stem-andLeaf Plot
Chapter 6  Sampling Theory
  6.1  Sampling
  6.2  Random Samples, Random Numbers
  6.3  Population Parameters
  6.4  Sample Statistics
  6.5  Sampling Distributions
  6.6  The Sample Mean
  6.7  Sampling Distribution of Means

  6.8  Sampling Distribution of Proportions
  6.9  Sampling Distribution of Differences and Sums
  6.10  The Sample Variance
Chapter 7  Estimation
  7.1  Unbiased Estimates and Efficient Estimates
  7.2  Point Estimates and Interval Estimates
  7.3  Method of Moments
  7.4  Maximum Likelihood Estimators
  7.5  Confidence Interval Estimates of Population Parameters
Chapter 8  Hypothesis Test
  8.1  Statistical Hypothesis
  8.2  Tests of Hypothesis
  8.3  Type I and Type 1] Errors and Level of Significance
  8.4  Simple and Composite Hypotheses
  8.5  Testing Hypotheses about the Mean of a Normal Distribution with Known Variance
  8.6  P Value

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