幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:何家弘
  • 出版社:法律
  • ISBN:9787511881557
  • 出版日期:2008/07/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:338
人民幣:RMB 45 元      售價:



1  Lesson One:Legal System 法律制度
  Background Knowledge 背景知識
  Text 課文
    Introduction to the Legal System in the United States
    Part One Features and Characteristics
    Part Two Common Law and Equity Law
    1.Questions about the text
    2.Legal Systems
    3.What is the best way to study legal English?
  Supplementary Reading補充讀物及參考譯文
2  Lesson Two: Legal Profession 法律職業
    Background Knowledge 背景知識
  Text 課文
    Overview of the Legal Profession in the United States
    Part One The Bar
    Part Two Lawyers in Private Practice
    Part Thre eHouse Counsel
    Part Four Lawyers in Government
    1.Questions about the text
    2.One Lawyer in the Heaven
    3.Do you want to be a judge or a lawyer?
  Supplementary Reading補充讀物及參考譯文
3  Lesson Three: Legal Education 法律教育
    Background Knowledge 背景知識
  Text 課文
    Introduction to the Legal Education in the United States
    Part One Curriculum and the Case Method
    Part Two Law School Hierarchy
    1.Questions about the text
    2.American Law Faculty
    3.Which teaching method is better for law study: case method
    or lecture method?
  Supplementary Reading補充讀物及參考譯文
4  Lesson Four: Judicial System 司法系統
    Background Knowledge 背景知識
  Text 課文
    Overview of the Judicial System in the United States
    Part One Courts
    Part Two Judges
    1.Questions about the text
    2.The Supreme Court of the United States
    3.Comparison of centralized and decentralized court systems

  Supplementary Reading補充讀物及參考譯文
5  Lesson Five: Constitution 憲法
    Background Knowledge 背景知識
  Text 課文
    Brief Introduction to the Constitution of the United States
    Part One The Constitution as Supreme Law
    Part Two The Principles of Government
    Part ThreeProvisions for Amendment
    1.Questions about the text
    2.The Constitution of the United States
    3.What is the principle of checks and balances?
  Supplementary Reading補充讀物及參考譯文
6  Lesson Six:Administrative Law 行政法
    Background Knowledge 背景知識
  Text 課文
    Brief Introduction to the Administrative Law in the United States
    Part One Agency Action and Administrative Law
    Part Two Paradigms and Models
    1.Questions about the text
    3.Rulemaking exerciseRules of the classroom
  Supplementary Reading補充讀物及參考譯文
7  Lesson Seven:Criminal Law 刑法
    Background Knowledge 背景知識
  Text 課文
    The Crime of Homicide 殺人罪
    Part One Murder
    Part Two Manslaughter
    Part ThreeFederal Homicide Law
    Part FourModern Murder?Manslaughter Legislation
    Part FiveCapital Punishment
    1.Questions about the text
    2.Listening comprehensionThe Case of Hinckley
    3.Issues about Hinckley case
  Supplementary Reading補充讀物及參考譯文
8  Lesson Eight:Civil Rights Law 民權法
    Background Knowledge 背景知識
  Text 課文
    Walker v.IRS 沃克訴國內稅收署案
    1.Questions about the text
    2.I Have a Dream
    3.Walker v.IRS
  Supplementary Reading補充讀物及參考譯文
9  Lesson Nine: Contract Law 合同法

    Background Knowledge 背景知識
  Text 課文
    Introduction to Contract Law 合同法導論
    Part One Contract and Contract Law
    Part Two Authority of Contract Law
    1.Questions about the text
    2.Listening comprehensionWilliams v.Walker?Thomas Furniture Co.
    3.Mock trialWilliams v.Walker?Thomas Furniture Co.
  Supplementary Reading補充讀物及參考譯文
10  Lesson Ten: Tort Law 侵權法
    Background Knowledge 背景知識
  Text 課文
    Introduction to Tort Law 侵權法導論
    Part One Basic Issues
    Part Two Intentional Torts
    Part Three Liability for Negligence
    Part Four Tort Law Reform:Strict Liability and "No?Fault"
    1.Questions about the text
    2.The Difference of Tort Law
    3.McGuire v.Almy
  Supplementary Reading補充讀物及參考譯文
11  Lesson Eleven: Property Law 財產法
    Background Knowledge 背景知識
  Text 課文
    Real Property Law 不動產法
    Part One Introduction
    Part Two The Fundamentals of Real Property Law
    Part ThreeThe Role of the Lawyer in Real Property Transactions
    1.Questions about the text
    2.The Free Enterprise System
    3.SimulationNegotiation for a chinese?foreign joint venture
  Supplementary Reading補充讀物及參考譯文
12  Lesson Twelve:Corporation Law 公司法
    Background Knowledge 背景知識
  Text 課文
    Introduction to Corporation Law 公司法導論
    Part One Basic Norms
    Part Two Forms of Business
    1.Questions about the text
    2.The Tenant v.the Landlord
    3.Piercing the corporate veil
  Supplementary Reading補充讀物及參考譯文
13  Lesson Thirteen:Insurance Law 保險法
    Background Knowledge 背景知識
  Text 課文
    Insurance for Business 商務保險

    Part One Types of Insurance for Business
    Part Two Buy?sell Plan and Stock Retirement Plan
    1.Questions about the text
    2.The Safety Responsibility Law
    3.Comparison of the health insurance system and the free medical care
    system (or the medical care system at public expense)
  Supplementary Reading補充讀物及參考譯文
14  Lesson Fourteen:Commercial Law 商法
    Background Knowledge 背景知識
  Text 課文
    Introduction to Commercial Law 商法導論
    Part One The Power of the Congress to Regulate Commerce
    Part Two The Interpretation of the Commerce Clause by the Supreme Court
    Part ThreeThe Uniform Commercial Code
    1.Questions about the text
    2.The Skill of Negotiation
    3.Negotiation exerciseNegotiation about buying mountain?tyre bicycles
  Supplementary Reading補充讀物及參考譯文
15  Lesson Fifteen:Tax Law 稅法
    Background Knowledge 背景知識
  Text 課文
    Introduction to Tax Law 稅法導論
    Part One Federal Taxation
    Part Two State Taxation
    1.Questions about the text
    2.Tax Law and Forms of Business
    3.Legal writingCase Briefing
  Supplementary Reading補充讀物及參考譯文
16  Lesson Sixteen:Environmental Protection Law 環境保護法
    Background Knowledge 背景知識
  Text 課文
    Environmental Protection Laws and Orders in the United States
    Part One National Environmental Policy Act(Enacted in 1970;Amended in 1975)
    Part TwoFederal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and
    Low?income Populations(Executive Order 12898,1994)
    1.Questions about the text
    2.Listening comprehensionOxford Industries v.EPA
    3.Oxford Industries v.EPA
  Supplementary Reading補充讀物及參考譯文
17  Lesson Seventeen: Family Law 家庭法
    Background Knowledge 背景知識
  Text 課文
    Marriage and Family 婚姻與家庭
    Part One The Right to Freedom of Choice
    Part Two The Judicial Opinion in Zablocki v.Redhail

    1.Questions about the text
    2.Roe v.Wade
    3.Should abortion be legal?
  Supplementary Reading補充讀物及參考譯文
18  Lesson Eighteen: Intellectual Property Law 知識產權法
    Background Knowledge 背景知識
  Text 課文
    Introduction to Intellectual Property Law 知識產權法導論
    Part One The Subject Matter
    Part Two Protection and Justification
    Part ThreeSources of Law
    1.Questions about the text
    2.Intellectual Property Rights
    3.Infringements and defenses about copyright
  Supplementary Reading補充讀物及參考譯文
19  Lesson Nineteen:WTO Rules 世貿組織規則
    Background Knowledge 背景知識
  Text 課文
    Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes(DSU)
    Article 1 Coverage and Application
    Article 6 Establishment of Panels
    Article 7 Terms of Reference of Panels
    Article 8 Composition of Panels
    1.Questions about the text
    2.International Economic Law
    3.Import monopoly and mark?up
  Supplementary Reading補充讀物及參考譯文
20  Lesson Twenty: Civil Procedure 民事訴訟程序
    Background Knowledge 背景知識
  Text 課文
    Introduction to Civil Procedure 民事訴訟程序導論
    Part OneT he Course of Civil Procedure
    Part Two The Adversary Trial System
    Part Three The Process of Trial
    Part Four The Rules of Evidence
    1.Questions about the text
    2.Courtroom English
    3.Preparation for a trial
    4.Examples of jury instructions given by the trial judge
  Supplementary Reading補充讀物及參考譯文
21  Lesson Twenty One:Criminal Procedure 刑事訴訟程序
    Background Knowledge 背景知識
  Text 課文
    Introduction to Criminal Procedure 刑事訴訟程序導論
    Part One The Adversary System

    Part Two The Accusatorial System
    Part Three Standards of Proof
    1.Questions about the text
    2.Examination of Witnesses
    3.Practice| Direct?examination and Cross?examination
  Supplementary Reading補充讀物及參考譯文
22  Lesson Twenty Two:Rules of Evidence 證據規則
    Background Knowledge 背景知識
  Text 課文
    Federal Rules of Evidence 聯邦證據規則
    Article Ⅰ General Provisions
    Article Ⅳ Relevancy and Its Limits
    Article Ⅶ Opinions and Expert Testimony
    Article Ⅸ Authentication and Identification
    1.Questions about the text
    2.Two Principal Questions about Evidence
    3.Mock TrialCalifornia v.O.J.Simpson
  Supplementary Reading補充讀物及參考譯文
Appendix Ⅰ: Reference Answers to the Questions about the Texts
Appendix Ⅱ: Writing of a Legal Memorandum

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