幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:王婷婷
  • 出版社:電子工業
  • ISBN:9787121359354
  • 出版日期:2019/11/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:236
人民幣:RMB 68 元      售價:

    本書作者根據十年一線教學經驗,用最精準的答案設計去覆蓋到盡可能多的題目,在每一個答案的呈現中,使用了劍橋官方常用的辭彙和表達方式,讓讀者更好地接觸到劍橋考試體系中比較偏愛使用的高頻有效詞。內容上,全書PART2的語料都配有中文的背景速遞,讓學生在做到記住語料和表達的同時,能夠更好地理解英國的學習和生活。了解了背景之後,學生可以參考雅思考題更有針對性地複習題庫,熟悉語料。在獲悉了如何應對口語考試的同時,本書配有高分答案,並且跟蹤了講解擴展,針對題庫部分中的加分辭彙和表達進行更深入的講解和分析,讓讀者在備考雅思口語考試的同時,在英語辭彙的擴展和靈活應用方面也達到一個更好的效果。作者根據多年在英國學習工作的經驗,在學術層面上詮釋了劍橋考題出題點與真實海外生活的聯繫,在生活層面上做了『婷婷看英倫』以及English Wang的愛恨情仇,給准留學生一劑生動接地氣的『猛葯』。

    王婷婷,新浪教育「五星金牌雅思名師」,英語測試和英語教學研究專家,英國老牌名校布里斯托大學教育學碩土。     專註國際化英語考試培訓十余年,培養出眾多雅思高分考生,多次命中雅思口語考題,參與編寫《雅思官方詞庫》《劍橋雅思全真試題9最新解析》。     曾獲得英國Into教育集團頒發的「最佳教學獎」「傑出貢獻獎」及英國發展總署頒發的「歐洲綠色城市改變者」金獎;曾供職于英國National Numeracy(國家數學能力中心);擔任過水立方設計師特聘會場翻譯和英國BBC戶外教育策劃人。     個人微博:雅思婷有范兒

Part 1  高頻話題庫
  1  Name
  2  Study/work
  3  Hometown
  4  Accommodation
  5  Saving money
  6  Plant
  7  Foreign food
  8  Boating
  9  Advertisement
  10  Travelling & holiday
  11  Letter
  12  Celebrity
  13  Teacher
  14  Friend
  15  Daily routine
  16  Gift
  17  Animal
  18  Job
  19  Teenager
  20  Map
  21  Jewellery
  22  Dictionary
  23  Flower
  24  Daily transportation
  25  Writing
  26  Application
  27  Music & movie
  28  Sleep
  29  Museum
  30  Season
  31  Sunglass
  32  Drinking water
  33  Painting
  34  Crowded place
  35  Sharing things
  36  Sky
  37  Tea & coffee
Part 2  高頻話題庫
    Concrete objects
      1  An electronic device you use in your life
      2  A toy you played with in your childhood
      3  Something you own but want to replace
      4  Something important you lost
      5  A piece of furniture in your home
      6  Something expensive you bought
      7  An exciting book
      8  A traditional product in your country
      9  A piece of special clothes

      10  A photo of you taken by others
      11  A plant in your country
      12  An interesting animal
      13  An impressive letter you got
    Abstract objects
      14  A favourite season
      15  A good service
      16  A website that you like to visit
      17  A job that you want to do in the future
      18  A job your grandparent did
      19  Something useful learned in a maths class
      20  A sport you watched and would like to try
      21  A good decision made by other people you know
      22  A family business you know
      23  A rule or regulation you like/dislike in your school or company
    1  A library that you often go to
    2  A building you like
    3  A city that you have visited
    4  A lake/river in your country  1132?A building you like
    5  A facility that needs to be improved in your city
    6  A leisure facility you want to have in your hometown
    7  A place that few people may know
    8  A street market where you enjoy shopping
    9  A park
    1  A businessman you admire
    2  A famous comic actor/actress
    3  A sportsman you admire
    4  A historic figure
    5  A person who protects the environment
    6  A talkative person
    7  A good parent
    8  A couple you know who have a happy marriage
    9  A foreign person you would like to meet
    10  A friend of your childhood
    11  A teenager you know
    12  A person you have never met but want to know more
    13  Someone you want to be similar to when you were growing up
    1  A time when you got your first phone
    2  A trip that you plan to go to in the future
    3  A trip by public transportation
    4  A time when you had an unforgettable dinner
    5  A time when you saved money for something
    6  A recent development in your city
    7  An impressive/memorable story told by someone
    8  A special day out and you didn』t spend too much
    9  A time when you had to be polite
    10  Something you enjoy doing with an old person in your family

    11  A competition you want to join in/took part in
    12  A party you have been to
    13  Something interesting your friends have done but you haven't done
    14  A time when you helped someone
    15  A time you had to change your plan
    16  A time when you took medicine
    17  An occasion when someone gave you money as a gift
    18  An impressive wedding
    19  A festival you celebrated
    20  An experience of getting scared
    21  An interesting lecture or talk
    22  A time you made a complaint and were satisfied with the result
    23  An unforgettable exam
    24  Something you did to keep healthy
    1  A meaningful or favourite song
    2  A movie you like
    3  An impressive advertisement
    4  A piece of good news
Part 3  高頻話題庫
  1  Reading
  2  Free time
  3  Making decisions
  4  Helping other people
  5  Environment
  6  Eating
  7  Advertising
  8  Travelling
  9  Language learning
  10  Sports
  11  Youth
  12  Business
  13  Change
  14  Location
  15  Water
  16  Memory
  17  Lifestyle
  18  Communication
  Part 3  最新題庫

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