幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:張秀國
  • 出版社:北京交通大學
  • ISBN:9787512140318
  • 出版日期:2019/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:254
人民幣:RMB 42 元      售價:



Part One
  Chapter 1  What Is Rhetoric?
    1.1  Rhetoric and Oratory
    1.2  Connotation of Rhetoric
    1.3  Definitions of Rhetoric
    1.4  Five Assumptions
  Chapter 2  Brief History of Western Rhetoric
    2.1  Classical Rhetoric(5th c.B.C.-A.D.5th c.)
      2.1.1  Ancient Greece and Ancient Greek Democracy
      2.1.2  Sophists and Their Practices of Rhetoric
      2.1.3  Ancient Greek Rhetoricians and Their Theory
      2.1.4  Roman Rhetoricians and Their Theory
    2.2  Rhetoric in the Middle Ages(5th-14th c.)
    2.3  Rhetoric in the Renaissance(15th-16th c.)
    2.4  New Classical Rhetoric(17th-19th c.)
      2.4.1  The Scientific Perspective
      2.4.2  The Elocutionary Perspective
      2.4.3  The Literary Perspective
    2.5  Contemporary Rhetoric
    2.6  Conclusion
  Chapter 3  The Importance of Learning English Rhetoric
Part Two
  Chapter 4  Choice of Words
    4.1  Use Suitable Words
    4.2  Denotation and Connotation
    4.3  General Words and Specific Words
    4.4  Abstract Words and Concrete Words
    4.5  Short Words and Long Words
  Chapter 5  Choice of Sentences
    5.1  Types of Sentences
      5.1.1  Grammatical Classification  Simple Sentences  Compound Sentences  Complex Sentences  Compound-complex Sentences
      5.1.2  Functional Classification  Declarative Sentences  Interrogative Sentences  Imperative Sentences  Exclamatory.Sentences
      5.1.3  Rhetorical Classification  Loose Sentences  Periodic Sentences  Balanced Sentences
    5.2  Long and Short Sentences
      5.2.1  Short Sentences

      5.2.2  Long Sentences
      5.2.3  Alternating Short and Long Sentences
Part Three
  Chapter 6  Introduction:Figures of Speech
    6.1  What Is a Figure of Speech
    6.2  Why Are Figures of Speech Used
    6.3  The Classification of Figures of Speech
    6.4  Use Figures of Speech in a Right Way
  Chapter 7  Phonetic Figures of Speech
    7.1  Alliteration
    7.2  Assonance
    7.3  Consonance
    7.4  Onomatopoeia
    7.5  Aposiopesis
    7.6  Apostrophe
    7.7  Pun
  Chapter 8  Syntactic Figures of Speech (Ⅰ)
    8.1  Repetition
      8.1.1  Immediate Repetition
      8.1.2  Intermittent Repetition
    8.2  Anaphora
    8.3  Epiphora
    8.4  Symploce
    8.5  Anadiplosis
    8.6  Parallelism
    8.7  Antithesis
  Chapter 9  Syntactic Figures of Speech (Ⅱ)
    9.1  Climax
    9.2  Anticlimax
    9.3  Syllepsis
    9.4  Zeugma
    9.5  Chiasmus
    9.6  Asyndeton
    9.7  Polysyndeton
    9.8  Rhetorical question
  Chapter 10  Semantic Figures of Speech
    10.1  Simile
    10.2  Metaphor
    10.3  Metonymy
    10.4  Synecdoche
    10.5  Antonomasia
    10.6  Personification
    10.7  Parody
    10.8  Synesthesia
    10.9  Transferred Epithet

  Chapter 11  Logical Figures of Speech
    11.1  Allegory
    11.2  Allusion
    11.3  Hyperbole
    11.4  Understatement
      11.4.1  Litotes
      11.4.2  Meiosis
      11.4.3  Overtones
    11.5  Irony
      11.5.1  Verbal Irony  Light Irony  Heavy Irony
      11.5.2  Situational Irony
    11.6  Innuendo
    11.7  Euphemism
    11.8  Oxymoron
    11.9  Analogy
    11.10  Paradox
Appendix A  A General Test on Figures of Speech
Appendix B  Simplistic Definitions of Figures of Speech

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