幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:王建蒙|譯者:戴文超
  • 出版社:五洲傳播
  • ISBN:9787508542768
  • 出版日期:2019/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:212
人民幣:RMB 119 元      售價:



Chapter 1
  A Burning Passion for Aerospace past the Ripe Age of 70
Chapter 2
  A Brilliant Young Man with Soaring Ambitions and Unrelenting Determination
Chapter 3
  Approaching His Ideal: Preparation Meets Opportunity
Chapter 4
  Pursuit of Further Study in Moscow with High Expectations
Chapter 5
  Hard Work Pays Off
Chapter 6
  「The World Is Yours ... China』s Future Belongs to You」
Chapter 7
  Golden Medal after Long Years Studying Abroad
Chapter 8
  Transition into Missile Research in Response to the Call of the Motherland
Chapter 9
  An Early Pioneer in Aerospace and Student of Qian Xuesen
Chapter 10
  From Imitation to Independent Development and Innovation
Chapter 11
  Missile Flying into Space from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center
Chapter 12
  Failure Leading to Success on the Uneven Journey of Scientific Experiments
Chapter 13
  Scaling New Heights in Research on Satellites
Chapter 14
  Development of China』s First Satellite from Scratch
Chapter 15
  Being Outspoken Despite Potential Political Perils
Chapter 16
  Successful Launch of the 「Dongfanghong-1」 Satellite into Space
Chapter 17
  Miraculous 「Shijian-1」 Transmitting Remote Sensing Information to the Ground
Chapter 18
  Taking the Liberty to Halt a Potentially Risky Rocket Launch
Chapter 19
  Applied Satellites Orbiting the Earth while Contributing to Economic Development
Chapter 20
  Communication Satellites Helping Connect Distant Points on Earth
Chapter 21
  Making Every Eff ort to Adapt to Changing Situations
Chapter 22
  Chinese Satellites in Space Benefi ting People on Earth
Chapter 23
  Success Stories of Chinese Rockets Spreading Far and Wide
Chapter 24
  Sino-US Negotiations on Satellite Launch Cooperation
Chapter 25

  Chinese People All Over the World Thrilled by Successful Launch of Long March Rocket
Chapter 26
  Deep Space Exploration Initiated with Substantial Preparation
Chapter 27
  Three-phase Chang』e Mission Takes Chinese Aerospace Industry to New Heights
Chapter 28
  China』s Successful Landing of Chang』e-1 on the Moon Hailed Worldwide
Chapter 29
  Painstaking Eff orts on a Long Journey to the Moon
Chapter 30
  New Satellite in Space Off ering Services
Chapter 31
  Nerve-racking Satellite Launch on a Stormy Spring Night
Chapter 32
  Accurate Ground Navigation Services Guided by Satellites Dotted across the Sky
Chapter 33
  A Life Dedicated to Satellites and a Model of Patriotism
Chapter 34
  Happily Married for Nearly Sixty Years and Counting
Chapter 35
  A Contented and Peaceful Life Always Centered around Aerospace
Chapter 36
  One Last Hurrah from the Launch Site at Nearly 90 Years Old
Chapter 37
  Continued Aerospace Development Will Make China Stronger Than Ever

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