幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:余素青
  • 出版社:北京大學
  • ISBN:9787301307779
  • 出版日期:2019/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:200
人民幣:RMB 45 元      售價:



Unit 1  Education
  Part One  Topic Discussion
  Part Two  In-class Reading
    Text A Education Is Supposed to Make You Rich,Not Wealthy
  Part Three  After-class Reading
    Text B  Secrets of Straight-A Students
  Part Four  Writing Practice
  Legal English 1  What Is A Contract
Unit 2  Internet
  Part One  Topic Discussion
  Part Two  In-class Reading
    Text A Put on Your Mask and Behave Badly
  Part Three After-class Reading
    Text B Why Everyone Is Worried
  Part Four  Writing Practice
  Legal English 2  How Is A Contract Formed
Unit 3  Psychology
  Part One  Topic Discussion
  Part Two  In-class Reading
    Text A I'd Love to Live a More Rounded Life,But I'm Too Flat Out
  Part Three After-class Reading
    Text B Introduction of Culture Shock:A Fish out of Water
  Part Four  Writing Practice
  Legal English 3  The Textual Structure of a Contract
Unit 4  Career
  Part One  Topic Discussion
  Part Two  In-class Reading
    Text A Do We Really Need Lawyers
  Part Three After-class Reading
    Text B A Very Social Career
  Part Four  Writing Practice
  Legal English 4  The Major Provisions of a Contract
Unit 5  Discrimination
  Part One  Topic Discussion
  Part Two  In-class Reading
    Text A Almost Famous
  Part Three After-class Reading
    Text B Generation Q
  Part Four  Writing Practice
  Legal English 5  Six Levels of Domestic Law in China
Unit 6  Culture
  Part One  Topic Discussion
  Part Two  In-class Reading
    Text A East and West桽eeing the World Through Different Lenses
  Part Three After-class Reading
    Text B Sentimentality in Contemporary Culture
  Part Four  Writing Practice
  Legal English 6  What Is the EJV?
Unit 7  Society
  Part One  Topic Discussion

  Part Two  In-class Reading
    Text A Britain抯 Great Divide
  Part Three After-class Reading
    Text B Why the M Word Matters to Me
  Part Four  Writing Practice
  Legal English 7  An Introduction to Legal Writing
Unit 8  Medicine
  Part One  Topic Discussion
  Part Two  In-class Reading
    Text A Traditional Chinese Medicine
  Part Three After-class Reading
    Text B A Universal Flu Vaccine
  Part Four  Writing Practice
  Legal English 8  Features of Legal Writing

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