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  • 作者:編者:蔡志忠|譯者:(美)布萊恩·布雅
  • 出版社:現代
  • ISBN:9787514377675
  • 出版日期:2019/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:279
人民幣:RMB 45.8 元      售價:



史記  Historian's Records
司馬遷的一生  The Life of Sima Qian
  司馬遷的一生  The Life of Sima Qian
  戰國四大公子  The Four Princes
孟嘗君  Lord Mengchang
  孟嘗君列傳  Lord Mengchang
  玄孫之孫為何  What is the Grandson of a Great Great Grandson
  即位於薛  Assuming the Reigns of Xue
  客無所擇  A Fair Chance for All
  高級手法  Highly Skilled
  木偶土偶  The Wooden Figurine and the Earthen Figurine
  雞鳴狗盜  The Dog Thief and the Rooster's Call
  相齊  Prime Minister of Qi
  馮諼彈劍  Feng Huan Sings to His Sword
  說客  The Persuader
  物有必至  事有固然  Some Things Are Certain to Happen
  絕嗣無後  A Broken Line
平原君  Lord Pingyuan
  平原君列傳  Lord Pingyuan
  斬美人謝罪  Beheading a Beauty as Recompense
  毛遂自薦  Mao Sui Recommends Himself
  以貌取人  Judging by Appearance
  李同進諫   Li Tong Gives Advice
信陵君  Lord Xinling
  信陵君列傳  Lord Xinling
  禮賢下士  Courtesy and Humility
  盜符救趙  Stealing the Tablet to Save Zhao
  不可忘,不可不忘  Forgetting and Not Forgetting
  威震天下  Thundering Across the Land
  公子的下場  The Prince's Final Chapter
春申君  Lord Chunshen
  春申君列傳  Lord Chunshen
  人質于秦  Hostage in Qin
  無妄之禍  Unexpected Catastrophes
附錄·延伸閱讀  APPENDIX Further reading
世說新語  The New Dao
  席不暇暖  Off to See a Worthy
  捨命全交  Self-Sacrifice
  割席絕交  Cutting Up a Mat
  救人救到底  Helping Someone to the End
  喜怒不寄於顏  Expression of Indiference
  庾公不賣馬  Yu Liang Won't Sell His Horse
  阮裕焚車  Ruan Yu Burns His Cariage
  褚裒四時之氣  The Seasonal Man
  謝安教子  Silent Instruction
  以眼比月  Moon Spots
  床頭盜酒飲  Stolen Wine
  鄧艾口吃  Deng Ai Stutters
  楚囚對泣  Weeping to Each Other
  以簡對繁  Social Commitments

  如來背痛  The Tired Buddha
  如游蓬戶  Palatial Hut
  廉者不求  貪者不與  Greed and the Fly Whisk
  支道林愛馬  A Monk and His Horses
  文王之囿  Royal Hunting Grounds
  人言我憒憒,後人當思此憒憒  The Crazy Prime Minister
  鄭玄拜師  Wrong Prognostication
  向郭二庄  Zhuangzi Times Two
  白馬論  The White Horse Theory
  官本臭腐,財本糞土  Coffins and Defecation
  三日不讀經  其言也無味  Reading Laozi
  七步成詩  Seven Steps and a Poem
  婦人之美  非誄不顯  AMother's Eulogy
  對子罵父是無禮  Cursing a Father to His Son
  阮修論鬼神  Ghostly Clothes
  義無虛讓  True Courage and False Propriety
  臨刑不變色  Defiant to the End
  王戎不摘李  Roadside Plums
  東床快婿  The Lounging Son-in-Law
  中夜奏胡笳  Playing Barbarian Horns
  謝安下棋如故  Xie An Keeps on Playing
  劉備善乘邊守險  AForce to be Reckoned With
  見機而退  Hometown Food
  王述晚成  Wang Dao Is Not a Sage
  人所應無  己不必無  No Weak Points Is a Strong Point
  以長勝人,處長亦勝人  The Strength of Strengths
  王右軍論名士  A Tree in the Clouds
  知我勝我自知  The Understanding Friend
  不能言而能不言  Cannot Speak Well But Can Not Speak Well
  王大自是三月柳  Dewdrops
  駑牛勝駑馬  The Horse and the Ox
  諸葛三兄弟  The Dragon, the Tiger, and the Fox
  阮裕兼有四人之美  A Man of Four Virtues
  二流中人耳  Second-Rate
  辭勝理不如  The Art of Pure Conversation
  卿喜傳人語  不能復語卿  AGossip
  吉人之辭寡  A Bright Man Speaks Litle
  武帝不忘哺乳恩  Letting Off the Wet-Nurse
  錦被風波  The Embroidered Blanket
  元帝戒酒  The Emperor Goes on the Wagon
  「闊」  Wide
  「合」字玄機  The Word
  絕妙好辭  Three Miles Smarter
  何晏明惠若神  The HeFamily Home
  日近日遠  The Sun Is Near, The Sun Is Far
  心靜自然涼  A Still Mind Keeps a Cool Body
  王敦擊鼓  Wang Dun Pounds the Drum
  王敦驅婢妾  Wang Dun Expels His Women
  床頭捉刀人  The Guy Holding the Knife
  人小心不小  Small Man, Small World

  周處除三害  Zhou Chu Eliminates the Three Scourges
  戴淵投劍  Dai Yuan Gioes Up His Trade
  蘭亭集序  Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection
  王仲宣好驢鳴  Wang Can and the Sound of Mules
  為卿作驢鳴  Whinnying for Wang
  靈床鼓琴  A Dead Man's Zither
  琴隨人亡  Death of a Zither
  觀點不同  Different Views
  范宣不入公門  Fan Xuan Bails Out
  許掾好游山水  The Hiker
  慎勿為好  Don't Do Good
  王湛選妻  A Charming Wife
  韓母隱古幾  The Origin of Antiques
  委罪于木  Blaming a Tree
  坐隱與手談  Playing Chess
  畫人點睛  Dotting the Eyes
  顧愷之的畫論  Theory of Painting
  我成輕薄京兆尹  The Irresponsible Mayor
  竹林七賢  The Seven Worthies of the Bamboo Grove
  劉伶戒酒  Liu Ling Stops Drinking
  劉昶的酒品  Liu Chang's Drinking Habits
  房子是褲子  House of Clothing
  張翰不留身後名  Zhang Han Drinks and Doesn't Care
  醉浮酒池中  Floating in a Vat of Wine
  萬里長江哪能不彎  Bent Like the Yangtze
  不做送書郵  The Postman Doesn't Deliver
  不可一日無此君  The Gentlemen Bamboo
  乘興而行  興盡而返  On a Whim
  桓伊吹笛  HuanYi Plays the Flute
  阮籍胸中有壘塊  Washing Troubles Away
  酒  Wine
  凡鳥與鳳  The Ordinary Bird and the Phoenix
  無勛受祿  Contributions
  山高水深  Big Nose
  狗洞自有狗出入  Only Dogs Use Doggy Doors
  我曬腹中書  Airing Out Books
  倒吃甘蔗  Eating Sugarcane
  白頸烏  Crows
  望梅止渴  Looking Forward to Plums
  假戲真做  Pretending for Real
  曹操的詭計  Cao Cao's Scheme
  肝腸寸斷  A Monkey's Broken Heart
  咄咄怪事  What a Bizarre Eoent
  王戎儉吝  Stingy Wang Rong
  王戎有好李  Wang Rong's Plums
  王戎重錢輕女  Wang Rong and His Daughter
  美人行酒  Women and Wine
  人乳養豬  Pigs and Human Milk
  魏武殺伎  Death of a Singer
  天下要物唯戰國策  ADangerous Book

  賴其末不識其本  Stranger to Rice
  蟻動如牛斗  Bulls Under the Bed
  荀粲情深  Xun Can's Deep Love
  德不足稱  以色為主  Beauty or Virtue
  骨肉相圖  Flesh and Blood Reoenge
附錄·延伸閱讀  APPENDIX Further reading

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