幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:靳諾|譯者:崔映芬//譚思敏
  • 出版社:外文
  • ISBN:9787119120904
  • 出版日期:2019/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:267
人民幣:RMB 95 元      售價:



Preface  Reforming the Global Governance System in Response to Changes in the World
Chapter 1  Philosophy of Global Governance
  Origins of the theory of global governance
  The world needs China for global governance, and China needs the world for its development
  Xi Jinping's philosophy of global governance
Chapter 2  Changes in World Order and Theories
  A new hot topic in studies of international issues: world order
  Composition of world order
  Evolution and nature of the current world order
  World order amidst major changes
  Driver of change in world order and vision of a new world order
Chapter 3  Global Governance and New International Relations
  What makes a 〝new type〞 of international relations?
  Reasons for advocating a new type of international relations
  From new intemational relations to new global governance
Chapter 4  China's Responsibility in Global Governance
  Global govemance, intermational systems and national responsibility
  Changes in China's identity in international systems
  China's responsibility in the global governance system
Chapter 5  Belt and Road Initiative and Global Governance
  How to overcome the governance deficit
  Development govemance: decolonization
  Climate govemance: Global Energy Interconnection
  Globalization governance: promoting inclusive globalization
  Innovation in governance mechanism
Chapter 6  China's Explorations in the Reform of Global Financial System
  Evolution of global financial system since World War Ⅱ
  Governance dilemma of traditional global financial system
  G20: China's explorations in the reform of global financial system
  China benefits from the G20 mechanism
  Incremental reform of global financial system
Chapter7  Challenges to Global Governance: Future of the World
  Historical and value logic in the concept of global governance
  Chinese wisdom in the concept of global governance
  A clarification on the so-called 〝Chinese Paradox〞in the concept of global governance

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