幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:張黎明
  • 出版社:人民衛生
  • ISBN:9787117266277
  • 出版日期:2019/07/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:286
人民幣:RMB 89 元      售價:



Basic principles
  Organization of the nervous system
  Neurological thin]ring
  Pathological processes in neurology
History and examination
  History taking
  Examination: introduction
  Speech and higher function
  The eyes and visual system
  Cranial nerves 1, 3-6
  Other cranial nerves
  Limbs: motor
  Limbs: reflexes and sensation
  Gait, coordination and abnormal movements
Neurological investigation
  Neurophysiological investigations
  Nerve conduction studies and electromyography
  Cerebrospinal fluid and lumbar puncture
Neurological problems
  Blackouts and 'funny dos'
  Intracranial pressure
  Coma and alteration of consciousness
  Confusion and delirium
  Disturbances of vision
  Numbness and sensory disturbance
  Walking difficulties and clumsiness
Neurological syndromes and diseases
  Stroke Ⅰ
  Stroke Ⅱ
  Stroke Ⅲ
  Transient ischaemic attacks and prevention of strokes
  Subarachnoid haemorrhage
  Epilepsy Ⅰ :diagnosis
  Epilepsy Ⅱ : treatment and management
  Spinal cord syndromes
  Multiple sclerosis Ⅰ
  Multiple sclerosis Ⅱ
  Other demyelinating diseases in CNS
  Parkinson's disease and other akinetic rigid syndromes Ⅰ
  Parkinsoffs disease and other akinetic rigid syndromes Ⅱ
  Other movement disorders
  Infections of the nervous system Ⅰ

  Infections of the nervous system Ⅱ
  Peripheral neuropathies Ⅰ: clinical approach and investigations
  Peripheral neuropathies Ⅱ: clinical syndromes
  Common peripheral nerve lesions
  Ataxic disorders and other hereditary diseases
  Disorders of the motor neurone
  Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders
  Disorders of the neuromuscular junction
  Muscle disease
  Developmental diseases of the nervous system
  Autoimmune encephalitis and paraneoplastic neurological syndrome
  Xhe autonomic nervous system
  Functional disorders
  Sleep and sleep disorders
  Neurology and psychiatry
  Case histories
  Case histories: answers
  Appendix Ⅰ : Glasgow Coma Scale
  Appendix Ⅱ : The head thrust test
  Appendix Ⅲ : Modified Epley's manoeuvre..
  Transient ischaemic attacks and prevention of strokes
  Subarachnoid haemorrhage
  Epilepsy Ⅰ :diagnosis
  Epilepsy Ⅱ : treatment and management
  Spinal cord syndromes
  Multiple sclerosis Ⅰ
  Multiple sclerosis Ⅱ
  Other demyelinating diseases in CNS
  Parkinson's disease and other akinetic rigid syndromes Ⅰ
  Parkinson's disease and other akinetic rigid syndromes Ⅱ
  Other movement disorders
  Infections of the nervous system Ⅰ
  Infections of the nervous system Ⅱ
  Peripheral neuropathies Ⅰ: clinical approach and investigations
  Peripheral neuropathies Ⅱ dinical syndromes
  Common peripheral nerve lesions
  Ataxic disorders and other hereditary diseases
  Disorders of the motor neurone
  Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders
  Disorders of the neuromuscular junction
  Muscle disease
  Developmental diseases of the nervous system
  Autoimmnne encephalitis and paraneoplastic neurological syndrome
  the autonomic nervous system
  Functional disorders
  Sleep and sleep disorders
  Neurology and psychiatry

Case histories
  Case histories: answers
  Appendix Ⅰ : Glasgow Coma Scale
  Appendix Ⅱ : The head thrust test
  Appendix Ⅲ : Modified Epley's manoeuvre

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