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  • 作者:編者:曹晉//(加)文森特·莫斯可
  • 出版社:上海譯文
  • ISBN:9787532780334
  • 出版日期:2019/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:504
人民幣:RMB 128 元      售價:



1.Media, Power, and Democracy in Latin America/Lee Artz
2.The New International Division of Cultural Labor/Toby Miller
3.Unsustainable Journalism/Toby Miller
4.Political Economy within Cultural Studies/ Richard Maxwell
5.Template Revolutions: Marketing U.S.Regime Change in Eastern Europe/Gerald Sussman & Sascha Krader
6.Beyond the Model Worker: Surveying a Creative Precariat/Greig de Peuter
7.Language Put to Work: Cognitive Capitalism, Call Center Labor, and Worker Inquiry/Enda Brophy
8.Sharp Left Turn for the Media Reform Movement/Robert W.McChesney
9.In Whose Interest? Government Communication and Public Accountability/Kirsten Kozolanka
10.Twisting and Turning: India』s Telecommunications and Media
Industries under the Neoliberal Regime/Manjunath Pendakur
11.Capital Limits on Creativity: Neoliberalism and its Uses of Art/Jyotsna Kapur
12.Manifest Spatialization: Militarizing Communication in Canada/Patricia Mazepa
13.「To Veil the Threat of Terror」: Afghan Women and the in the Imagery of the U.S.War on Terrorism/Dana L.Cloud
14.From Pink Slips to Pink Slime: Transforming Media Labor in a Digital Age/Nicole S.Cohen
15.Cultural Work as a Site of Struggle: Freelancers and Exploitation/Nicole S.Cohen
16.Communication is Freedom: Karl Marx on Press Freedom and Censorship/Hanno Hardt
17.Karl Marx@Internet Studies/Christian Fuchs & Nick Dyer-Witheford
18.After the Internet: Cloud Computing, Big Data and the Internet of Things/Vincent Mosco
19.Marx is Back, But Which One? On Knowledge Labour and Media Practice/Vincent Mosco
20.Marx as Journalist: An Interview with Jim Ledbetter/Steven Sherman
21.Missing Marx: The Place of Marx in Current Communication Research and the Place of Communication in Marx』s Work/?rfan Erdogan
22.Digital Marx: Toward a Political Economy of Distributed Media/Andreas Wittel
23.Media Activism From Above and Below: Lessons from the 1940s American Reform Movement/Victor Pickard
24.The Network Media Economy: Triumph of the Media Infrastructure Industries, or Crisis of Media?/Dwayne Winseck
25.「You Kind of Have to Bite the Bullet and do Bitch Work」: How Internships Teach Students to Unthink Exploitation in Public Relations/Michelle Rodino-Colocino & Stephanie N.Beberick
26.Occuy the Media: Toward a Communication System for the 99 Percent/Steve Macek
27.The Reporters』 Rebellion: The Chicago Journalism Review 1968-1975/Steve Macek
28.Play it Again, (Uncle) Sam: A Brief History of US Imperialism, Propaganda, and the News/Deepa Kumar
29.At Last: Labor Convergence and the Creation of SAG-AFTRA/Catherine McKercher

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