幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:澳洲游洋學院教學委員會
  • 出版社:天津大學
  • ISBN:9787561864258
  • 出版日期:2019/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:284
人民幣:RMB 45 元      售價:

    本書編者以大量全面的AEAS官方題庫為依歸和指導,鑽研官方題庫對各年級的考生的辭彙儲備要求,精準定位各年級必備的核心辭彙。同時,編者橫行參考澳大利亞全國統考NAPLAN對各年級學生的辭彙儲備要求,通過科學嚴謹的研究分析,進而確立了對我們的辭彙寶典的辭彙範圍。同時也參考了英語權威性詞典《科林斯大詞典》當中界定的必備英語辭彙。因此,這套辭彙寶典不僅涵蓋了AEAS 的考試必備詞,同時也能有效地幫助學生為極具挑戰性的私校學習打下必備的辭彙基礎。


A  游洋aeas4—6辭彙寶典
  Passage 1 My Home
  Passage 2 Friends in the Garden
  Passage 3 Go to the Library
  Passage 4 My Daily Routine
  Passage 5 My Neighbor--The Hanson Family
  Passage 6 Children』S Book Club
  Passage 7 To Recycle
  Passage 8 My Typical Day in School
  Passage 9 Actions Your Body Can Do
  Passage 10 Zoo and Animals
  Passage 11 Four Seasons
  Passage 12 GO to Market
  Passage 13 A Weird Afternoon but Amazing Surprise
  Passage 14 My Neighborhood
  Passage 15 Dining out
  Passage 16 A Day at the Seaside
  Passage 17 Food and Cooking
  Passage 18 Adventure in the Wild
  Passage 19 Which Language Is More Difficult:English or Chinese
  Passage 20 Taking Train to Get Around
  Passage 21 Getting Lost
  Passage 22 When I Feel Sick
B  游洋aeas7—9辭彙寶典
  Passage 1 An Amazing Trip to the Zoo
  Passage 2 School Rules Against Online Bullying
  Passage 3 To Stay Safe Online
  Passage 4 Music Band and Music Agents
  Passage 5 Writer』S FestivaI
  Passage 6 Movie Reviews about The Great Gatsby
  Passage 7 Australia』S Mining Industry
  Passage 8 Life Work Balance
  Passage 9 Travelling Bmadens Our Vision
  Passage 10 Safety Instructions in Cooking Class
  Passage 11 Mysterious Pirate Life
  Passage 12 The Structure of Australian Governments
  Passage 13 Unexpected Assembly
  Passage 14 Brief Guidelines on Reading Classic Novels
  Passage 15 Career Path
  Passage 16 Exam Tips
  Passage 17 Food Sho~age and Food Security
  Passage 18 Games That Are Good for Our Brain
  Passage 19 Popularity of Social Media
  Passage 20 Same FestivalDifferent Celebrations
  Passage 21 Diary about Field Trip
  Passage 22 Getting Involved in Charity
  Passage 23 Child Writers
  Passage 24 Parents and Teenage Years
C  游洋aeas10—12辭彙寶典
  Passage 1 School Announcement about Absence from School

  Passage 2 SociaIlnvolvement
  Passage 3 Safety measures
  Passage 4 Thoughts on GIobaI Warming
  Passage 5 Election for Student Representative in the Student Union
  Passage 6 My Personal Reflection on the Relationship between Music and Mood
  Passage 7 Screen Time
  Passage 8 What Is a Text Response Essay
  What IS a Prompt
  Iechnical Ierms
  Passage 9 Different Types of Articles in Literature
  Passage 10 Drawing on Other』S Opinions
  Passage 11 A Light Touch on the Australian Political System
  Passage 12 A Distinguished Author from a Humble Origin(Part 1)
  Passage 13 A Distinguished Author from a Humble Origin(Part 2)
  Passage 14 Are You Surrendered to Peer Pressure
  Passage 15 Electives Offer「Hands—on」Experience
  Passage 16 What』S Your Family』S Magic Recipe
  Passage 17 Will Professionals Be Replaced by Robot
  Passage 18 Materialism Damages Our Environment
  Passage 19 School』S Exchange PrOgram
  Passage 20 What Makes Australia a Desirable Migration Destination
  Passage 21 Traffic Jam and Traffic Accident

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