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  • 作者:編者:潘斌//牛宏//陳麗
  • 出版社:化學工業
  • ISBN:9787122346971
  • 出版日期:2019/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:279
人民幣:RMB 78 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Functions and limits
  1.1  Mappings and functions
    1.1.1  Sets
    1.1.2  Mappings
    1.1.3  Functions
  Exercises 1-1
  1.2  Limits of sequences
    1.2.1  Concept of limits of sequences
    1.2.2  Properties of convergent sequences
  Exercises 1-2
  1.3  Limits of functions
    1.3.1  Definitions of limits of functions
    1.3.2  The properties of functional limits
  Exercises 1-3
  1.4  Infinitesimal and infinity quantity
    1.4.1  Infinitesimal quantity
    1.4.2  Infinity quantity
  Exercises 1-4
  1.5  Rules of limit operations
  Exercises 1-5
  1.6  Principle of limit existence—two important limits
  Exercises 1-6
  1.7  Comparing with two infinitesimals
  Exercises 1-7
  1.8  Continuity of functions and discontinuous points
    1.8.1  Continuity of functions
    1.8.2  Discontinuous points of functions
  Exercises 1-8
  1.9  Operations on continuous functions and the continuity of elementary functions
    1.9.1  Continuity of the sum,difference,product and quotient of continuous functions
    1.9.2  Continuity of inverse functions and composite functions
    1.9.3  Continuity of elementary functions
  Exercises 1-9
  1.10  Properties of continuous functions on a closed interval
    1.10.1  Boundedness and maximum-minimum theorem
    1.10.2  Zero point theorem and intermediate value theorem
    *1.10.3  Uniform continuity
  Exercises 1-10
  Exercises 1
Chapter 2  Derivatives and differential
  2.1  Concept of derivatives
    2.1.1  Examples
    2.1.2  Definition of derivatives
    2.1.3  Geometric interpretation of derivative
    2.1.4  Relationship between derivability and continuity
  Exercises 2-1
  2.2  Fundamental derivation rules
    2.2.1  Derivation rules for sum,difference,product and quotient of functions
    2.2.2  The rules of derivative of inverse functions
    2.2.3  The rules of derivative of composite functions(The Chain Rule)

    2.2.4  Basic derivation rules and derivative formulas
  Exercises 2-2
  2.3  Higher-order derivatives
  Exercises 2-3
  2.4  Derivation of implicit functions and functions defined by parametric equations
    2.4.1  Derivation of implicit functions
    2.4.2  Derivation of a function defined by parametric equations
    2.4.3  Related rates of change
  Exercises 2-4
  2.5  The Differentials of functions
    2.5.1  Concept of the differential
    2.5.2  Geometric meaning of the differential
    2.5.3  Formulas and rules on differentials
    2.5.4  Application of the differential in approximate computation
  Exercises 2-5
  Exercises 2
Chapter 3  Mean value theorems in differential calculus and applications of derivatives
  3.1  Mean value theorems in differential calculus
  Exercises 3-1
  3.2  L』Hospital』s rules
  Exercises 3-2
  3.3  Taylor formula
  Exercises 3-3
  3.4  Monotonicity of functions and convexity of curves
    3.4.1  Monotonicity of functions
    3.4.2  Convexity of curves and inflection points
  Exercises 3-4
  3.5  Extreme values of functions, maximum and minimum
    3.5.1  Extreme values of functions
    3.5.2  Maximum and minimum of function
  Exercises 3-5
  3.6  Differentiation of arc and curvature
    3.6.1  Differentiation of an arc
    3.6.2  curvature
  Exercises 3-6
  Exercises 3
Chapter 4  Indefinite integral
  4.1  Concept and property of indefinite integral
    4.1.1  Concept of antiderivative and indefinite integral
    4.1.2  Table of fundamental indefinite integrals
    4.1.3  Properties of the indefinite integral
  Exercises 4-1
  4.2  Integration by substitutions
    4.2.1  Integration by substitution of the first kind
    4.2.2  Integration by substitution of the second kind
  Exercises 4-2
  4.3  Integration by parts
  Exercises 4-3
  4.4  Integration of rational function
    4.4.1  Integration of rational function

    4.4.2  Integration which can be transformed into the integration of rational function
  Exercises 4-4
  Exercises 4
Chapter 5  Definite integrals
  5.1  Concept and properties of definite integrals
    5.1.1  Examples of definite integral problems
    5.1.2  The definition of define integral
    5.1.3  Properties of definite integrals
  Exercises 5-1
  5.2  Fundamental formula of calculus
    5.2.1  The relationship between the displacement and the velocity
    5.2.2  A function of upper limit of integral
    5.2.3  Newton-Leibniz formula
  Exercises 5-2
  5.3  Integration by substitution and parts for definite integrals
    5.3.1  Integration by substitution for definite integrals
    5.3.2  Integration by parts for definite integral
  Exercises 5-3
  5.4  Improper integrals
    5.4.1  Improper integrals on an infinite interval
    5.4.2  Improper integrals of unbounded functions
  Exercises 5-4
  5.5  Tests for convergence of improper integrals Γ-function
    5.5.1  Test for convergence of infinite integral
    5.5.2  Test for convergence of improper integrals of unbounded functions
    5.5.3  Γ-function
  Exercises 5-5
Chapter 6  Applications of definite integrals
  6.1  Method of elements for definite integrals
  6.2  The applications of the definite integral in geometry
    6.2.1  Areas of plane figures
    6.2.2  The volumes of solid
    6.2.3  Length of plane curves
  Exercises 6-1
  6.3  The applications of the definite Integral in physics
    6.3.1  Work done by variable force
    6.3.2  Force by a liquid
    6.3.3  Gravity
  Exercises 6-2
  Exercises 6
Chapter 7  Differential equations
  7.1  Differential equations and their solutions
  Exercises 7-1
  7.2  Separable equations
  Exercises 7-2
  7.3  Homogeneous equations
    7.3.1  Homogeneous equations
    7.3.2  Reduction to homogeneous equation
  Exercises 7-3

  7.4  A first-order linear differential equations
    7.4.1  Linear equations
    7.4.2  Bernoulli』s equation
  Exercises 7-4
  7.5  Reducible second-order equations
  Exercises 7-5
  7.6  Second-order linear equations
    7.6.1  Construction of solutions of second-order linear equation
    7.6.2  The method of variation of parameters
  Exercises 7-6
  7.7  Homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients
  Exercises 7-7
  7.8  Nonhomogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients
  Exercises 7-8
  7.9  Euler』s differential equation
  Exercises 7-9
  Exercises 7

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