幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:(英)路易絲·哈什米//芭芭拉·托馬斯
  • 出版社:浙江教育
  • ISBN:9787553677682
  • 出版日期:2019/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:215
人民幣:RMB 48 元      售價:



Irregular verbs
1 Adjectives
  adjective position; adjective order; -ing/-ed adjectives; nouns as adjectives
2 Adverbs
  using and forming adverbs; irregular adverbs; position; modifying adverbs and adjectives
3 Comparisons
  comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs; comparing nouns
4 Present tenses
  present simple; present continuous; state verbs; have got and have
5 Past tenses
  past simple; past continuous
6 Present perfect and past simple
  present perfect and past simple; have gone and have been
7 Past perfect
  past perfect and past simple; used to
8 Nouns
  plurals; countable and uncountable; a/the/no article
9 Determiners and pronouns 1
  some/any; somebody/anybody etc.; much/many etc.
10 Determiners and pronouns 2
  this/that etc.; all/most etc.; both/either/neither; each/every
11 Determiners and pronouns 3
  』s/of, personal pronouns; possessives; reflexive pronouns; there/it to be
12 The future
  will; going to; present continuous; present simple
13 Modals 1
  general notes; asking someone to do something; suggestions and offers; permission
14 Modals 2
  obligation; necessity; orders and advice
15 Modals 3
  certainty and possibility; ability
16 Questions and answers
  yes/no; short answers; question words; agreeing with statements
17 Prepositions 1
  place and movement
18 Prepositions 2
19 Prepositions 3
  expressions with prepositions; verbs and adjectives prepositions; phrasal verbs
20 The-ing form
  -ing as subject; before/after etc. -ing; prepositions -ing; go/come -ing
21 to or-ing?
  verbs to infinitive; make and let; verbs -ing; verbs to infinitive or -ing
22 Conditionals 1
  zero conditional; first conditional; unless
23 Conditionals 2
  second conditional; I wish

24 The passive
  passive forms and uses; to have something done
25 Reported speech 1
  reporting what someone said; words which change
26 Reported speech 2
  said and told; other verbs used for reporting; reporting questions; polite questions
27 Relative clauses
  which, who and that; where and whose
28 So/such; too/enough
  so/such (+ that); enough and too (+ to infinitive and for)
29 Linking words 1
  because (of), as and since; so and therefore; to and in order to
30 Linking words 2
  but/(al)though; in spite of/despite; both ... and; either ... or
Recording scripts
Grammar glossary

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