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  • 作者:(加)基思·斯坦諾維奇
  • 出版社:人民郵電
  • ISBN:9787115511843
  • 出版日期:2019/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:220
人民幣:RMB 68 元      售價:



1  Psychology Is Alive and Well
    (and Doing Fine Among the Sciences)
  The Freud Problem
  The Diversity of Modem Psychology
    Implications of Diversity
  Unity in Science
  What, Then, Is Science?
    Systematic Empiricism
    Publicly Verifiable Knowledge: Replication and Peer Review
    Empirically Solvable Problems: Scientists' Search for Testable Theories
  Psychology and Folk Wisdom: The Problem with "Common Sense"
  Psychology as a Young Science
2  Falsifiability: How to Foil Little
    Green Men in the Head
  Theories and the Falsifiability Criterion
    The Theory of Knocking Rhythms
    Freud. and Falsifiability
    The Little Green Men
    Not All Confirmations Are Equal
    Falsifiability and Folk Wisdom
    The Freedom to Admit a Mistake
    Thoughts Are Cheap
  Errors in Science: Getting Closer to the Truth
3  Operationism and Essentialism:
    "But, Doctor, What Does It Really Mean?"
  Why Scientists Are Not Essentialists
    Essentialists Like to Argue About the Meaning of Words
    Operationists Link Concepts to Observable Events
    Reliability and Validity
    Direct and Indirect Operational Definitions
    Scientific Concepts Evolve
  Operational Definitions in Psychology
    Operationism as a Humanizing Force
    Essentialist Questions and the Misunderstanding of Psychology
4  Testimonials and Case Study Evidence:
    Placebo Effects and the Amazing Randi
  The Place of the Case Study
  Why Testimonials Are Worthless: Placebo Effects
  The "Vividness" Problem
    The Overwhelming Impact of the Single Case
    Why Vivid Anecdotes and Testimonials Are So Pofent
    Tile Amazing Randi: Fighting Fire With Fire
  Testimonials Open the Door to Pseudoscience
5  Correlation and Causation: Birth
    Control by the Toaster Method

  The Third-Variable Problem
    Why Goldberger's Evidence Was Better
  The Directionality Problem
  Selection Bias
6  Getting Things Under Control:
    The Case of Clever Hans
  Snow and Cholera
  Comparison, Control, and Manipulation
    Random Assignment in Conjunction with
    Manipulation Defines the True Experiment
    The Importance of Control Groups
    The Case of Clever Hans, the Wonder Horse
    Clever Hans in the 1990s and in the Present Day
    Prying Variables Apart: Special Conditions
    Intuitive Physics
    Intuitive Psychology
7  "But It's Not Real Life!":
    The "Artificiality" Criticism and Psychology
  Why Natural Isn't Always Necessary
    The Random Sample Versus Random Assignment Confusion
    Theory-Driven Research Versus Direct Apphcations
  Applications of Psychological Theory
    The "College Sophomore" Problem
    The Real-Life and College Sophomore Problems inPerspective
8  Avoiding the Einstein Syndrome:
    The Importance of Converging Evidence
  The Connectivity Principle
    A Consumer's Rule: Beware of Violations of Connectivity
    The Great-Leap Model Versus the Gradual-Synthesis Model
  Converging Evidence: Progress Despite Flaws
    Types of Converging Evidence
  Scientific Consensus
    Methods and the Convergence Principle
    The Progression to More Powerful Methods
  A Counsel Against Despair
9  The Misguided Search for the "Magic Bullet":
    The Issue of Multiple Causation
  The Concept of Interaction
  The Temptation of the Single-Cause Explanation
10  The Achilles' Heel of Human
    Cognition: Probabilistic Reasoning
  "Person-Who" Statistics
  Probabilistic Reasoning and the Misunderstanding of Psychology
  Psychological Research on Probabilistic Reasoning
    Insufficient Use of Probabilistic Information

    Failure to Use Sample-Size Information.
    The Gambler's Fallacy
    A Further Word About Statistics and Probability
11  The Role of Chance in Psychology
  The Tendency to Try to Explain Chance Events
    Explaining Chance: Illusory Correlation and the Illusion of Control
  Chance and Psychology
    Personal Coincidences
  Accepting Error in Order to Reduce Error: Clinical Versus Actuarial Prediction
12  The Rodney Dangerfield of the Sciences
  Psychology's Image Problem
    Psychology and Parapsychology
    The Self-Help Literature
    Recipe Knowledge
  Psychology and Other Disciplines
  Our Own Worst Enemies
  Our Own Worst Enemies, Part Ih Psychology
    Has Become an Ideological Monoculture
  Isn't Everyone a Psychologist? Implicit Theories of Behavior
  The Source of Resistance to Scientific Psychology
  The Final Word
Name Index
Subject Index

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