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  • 作者:(英)大衛·泰勒//卡羅爾·佩頓//史緹吉·卡普爾
  • 出版社:科技文獻
  • ISBN:9787518952205
  • 出版日期:2019/04/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:741
人民幣:RMB 188 元      售價:



Notes on using The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines
List of abbreviations
Chapter 1 Plasma level monitoring of psychotropic drugs
  Interpreting sample results
  Acting on clozapine plasma concentration results
  Interpreting post-mortem blood concentrations
Chapter 2 Schizophrenia
  General introduction
  General principles of prescribing
  Minimum effective doses
  Quick reference for licensed maximum doses
  Equivalent doses
  High?dose antipsychotics: prescribing and monitoring
  Antipsychotic prophylaxis
  Combined antipsychotics
  Negative symptoms
  Relative adverse effects – a rough guide
  Treatment algorithms for schizophrenia
  First?generation antipsychotics–place in therapy
  Omega?3 fatty acid (fish oils) in schizophrenia
  New and developing drugs to treat schizophrenia
  NICE guidelines for the treatment of schizophrenia
  Antipsychotic response – to increase the dose, to switch,to add or just wait – what is the right move?
  Antipsychotic long?acting injections
  Depot antipsychotics – pharmacokinetics
  Management of patients on long?term depots
  Aripiprazole LAI
  Olanzapine LAI
  Paliperidone palmitate LAI
  Risperidone LAI
  Extrapyramidal side?effects
  Weight gain
  Treatment of drug?induced weight gain
  Tardive dyskinesia
  Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
  QT prolongation
  Diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance
  Sexual dysfunction

  Switching antipsychotics
  Clozapine – dosing regimen
  Optimising clozapine treatment
  Alternatives to clozapine
  Re?starting clozapine after a break in treatment
  Initiation of clozapine for community?based patients
  Common adverse effects
  Clozapine: uncommon or unusual adverse effects
  Clozapine: serious haematological and cardiovascular adverse effects
  Clozapine?induced hypersalivation
  Clozapine?induced gastrointestinal hypomotility (CIGH)
  Clozapine, neutropenia and lithium
  Clozapine and chemotherapy
Chapter 3 Bipolar affective disorder
  Antipsychotics in bipolar disorder
  Treatment of acute mania or hypomania
  Bipolar depression
  Rapid?cycling bipolar affective disorder
  Prophylaxis in bipolar affective disorder
  Physical monitoring for people with bipolar affective disorder
Chapter 4 Depression and anxiety
  Basic principles of prescribing in depression
  Official guidance on the treatment of depression
  Antidepressants: general overview
  St John』s wort
  Recognised minimum effective doses of antidepressants
  Drug treatment of depression
  Treatment of refractory depression
  Psychotic depression
  Electroconvulsive therapy and psychotropic drugs
  Psychostimulants in depression
  Post?stroke depression
  Treatment of depression in the elderly
  Antidepressant discontinuation symptoms
  Antidepressant prophylaxis
  Antidepressants: alternative routes of administration
  Antidepressants: swapping and stopping
  Drug interactions with antidepressants
  Cardiac effects of antidepressants
  Antidepressant?induced arrhythmia
  Antidepressant?induced hyponatraemia
  Antidepressants and hyperprolactinaemia
  Antidepressants and diabetes mellitus
  Antidepressants and sexual dysfunction

  SSRIs and bleeding
  Antidepressants: relative adverse effects – a rough guide
  Anxiety spectrum disorders
  Benzodiazepines in the treatment of psychiatric disorders
  Benzodiazepines: dependence and detoxification
  Benzodiazepines and disinhibition
Chapter 5 Children and adolescents
  Principles of prescribing practice in childhood and adolescence
  Depression in children and adolescents
  Bipolar illness in children and adolescents
  Psychosis in children and adolescents
  Anxiety disorders in children and adolescents
  Obsessive compulsive disorder in children and adolescents
  Post-traumatic stress disorder in children and adolescents
  Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  Autism spectrum disorders
  Tics and Tourette』s syndrome
  Melatonin in the treatment of insomnia in children and adolescents
  Rapid tranquillisation in children and adolescents
  Doses of commonly used psychotropic drugs in children and adolescents
Chapter 6 Substance misuse
  Alcohol dependence
  Opioid misuse and dependence
  Nicotine and smoking cessation
  Pharmacological treatment of dependence on stimulants
  Benzodiazepine misuse
  GBL and GHB dependence
  Drugs of misuse: a summary
  Interactions between 『street drugs』 and prescribed psychotropic drugs
Chapter 7 Use of psychotropic drugs in special patient groups
  The elderly
  Safer prescribing of physical health medicines in dementia
  Management of non-cognitive symptoms of dementia
  Parkinson』s disease
  Multiple sclerosis
  Huntington』s disease
  Renal impairment
  Hepatic impairment
  HIV infection
  Eating disorders
  Acutely disturbed or violent behaviour
  Borderline personality disorder
  Learning disabilities

  Velo-cardio-facial syndrome
  Cytochrome (CYP) function
  Psychiatric side-effects of non-psychotropic drugs
  Atrial fibrillation
Chapter 8 Miscellaneous conditions and substances
  Psychotropic drugs in overdose
  Biochemical and haematological effects of psychotropics
  Prescribing drugs outside their licensed indications(『off-label』prescribing)
  Observations on the placebo effect in mental illness
  Drug interactions with alcohol
  Smoking and psychotropic drugs
  Complementary therapies
  Enhancing medication adherence
  Driving and psychotropic medicines
  Covert administration of medicines within food and drink

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