幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:張如梅//高瑩
  • 出版社:高等教育
  • ISBN:9787040509267
  • 出版日期:2019/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:140
人民幣:RMB 68 元      售價:



Lesson 1  乘車
  1.Learn the common expressions for taking a taxi
  2.Learn the common expressions for taking a bus
  3.Learn the numbers 0-10
Lesson 2  入住
  1.Learn how to make a self-introduction
  2.Learn the common expressions for checking in
  3.Learn the common expressions for booking a room
  4.Learn the numbers 11-20
Lesson 3  房間設施
  1.Learn the common expressions for hotel service
  2.Learnto askforhelp inthehotel room
  3.Know the names ofroom facilities
Lesson 4  日程安排
  1.Learn how to tell time
  2.Leam how to say the days ofthe week
  3.Know how to inquire about the arrangement of daily activities
Lesson 5  問路
  1.Learn the common expressions for asking directions
  2.Learn the basic words for places and locations
Lesson 6  訂票
  1.Learn how to inquire about and express dates
  2.Learn how to searoh ticket infcIrmation
  3.Leam how to book a ticket
Lesson 7  購物
  1.Learn the common expressions for shopping
  2.Learn the common expressions for bargaining
  3.Learn the common expressions for selecting items
  4.Learn the terms for RMB:yuan,kuai
Lesson 8  換錢
  1.Learn the common expressions for exchanging money in thebank
  2.Learn how to express the exchange rate
  3.Learn the terms for RMB:jiao,mao,fen
Lesson 9  求助
  1.Learn the common expressions for asking for help in emergencies
  2.Learn how to describe lost property
Lesson 10  吃飯
  1.Learn the common expressions for ordering food
  2.Learn how to make requests for food
Lesson 11  生病
  1.Leam how to inquire about and describe one』s health
  2.Leam some words about the human body
Lesson 12  告別
  1.Leam the common expressions for saying goodbye
  2.Leam the common blessings
  3.Learn to write a simple postcard

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