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  • 作者:董紹華//饒靜
  • 出版社:石油工業
  • ISBN:9787518326303
  • 出版日期:2018/11/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:475
人民幣:RMB 260 元      售價:

    董紹華、饒靜著的《管道完整性評估技術與應用(英文版)》簡介:In view of problems existed in the application of pipeline integrity management and through deep analysis of typical accidents at home and abroad, this book elaborated on technical standards of pipeline integrity, failure mechanism, and integrity assessment technologies of in line inspection, pressure test assessment and DA technologies (ECDA, ICDA, SCCDA), which solve the problems of matching between inspection & detection signal and size accuracy. Corrosion assessment technology was focused on pipeline black powder and inhibitor prevention, internal coating assessment, and fitness-for-purpose  (FFP) assessment technology was given, for weld seam of pipeline, image processing and recognition technology for weld film includes image-processing, defect feature extraction, defect classification and identification was proposed, and ultimately the welds defects was identified and found automatically.
    This book also aims at the edge technology of pipeline integrity, and pipeline station facilities integrity was studied and full-size pipeline explosion assessment were done, guided wave tomography for quantification of corrosion damage in Fluid-Filled Pipes was produced. Some cases was quoted from pipeline operation and maintenance practice completely, which contribute to apply into the practice, so as to minimum the risk. This book mainly read for oil and gas pipeline operation and maintenance management personnel, and may for being engaged in the technical personnel and administrative personnel of the oil and gas storage and transportation and plumbing engineering refers.


Chapter 1 Survey
  1.1  Pipeline Safety under Challenge
  1.2  Recent North American Pipeline Accident Cases
  1.3  Significance of PIA for China
Chapter 2 Progress on Pipeline Integrity Management and Assessment
  2.1  PIM Implementation by World Large Pipeline Companies
  2.2  Pipeline Integrity Assessment(PIA) Technical Progress
  2.3  Summary
Chapter 3 Technical Standards for Pipeline Integrity
  3.1  Introduction
  3.2  Series of PIM Standards Developed in Industrial Countries
  3.3  Comparison of Integrity Management Standards between Gas Pipelines and Liquid Pipelines
  3.4  PIM Standard and Code Evolvement in China
  3.5  Sketch of PIM Standards ,
  3.6  Some Thoughts on Integrity Standard Development in China
Chapter 4 Pipeline Integrity Failure Mechanism
  4.1  Studies of Stress/Strain Fields around the Crack Tip Process Zone
  4.2  The Pipeline Fracture Behavior Model under HIC Environment
  4.3  Fractal Research on Cracks Propagation of Pipes under HIC
Chapter 5 In-line Inspection Practice and Pressure Test Assessment
  5.1  Pipeline In-line Inspection (ILl) Technologies and Implementation Program
  5.2  ILl Technical Practice and Signal Processing
  5.3  Pressure Test Assessment
Chapter 6 Corrosion Assessment Technology and Applications
  6.1  Analysis of the Compositons of the Black Powder within Gas Pipelines and Its Preventive Solutions
  6.2  Dry Gas Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment (DG-ICDA)
  6.3  External Corrosion Direct Assessment
  6.4  Gas Pipeline Valve Erosion and Life Prediction Technology
  6.5  Internal Coating Assessment of In-service Pipeline
  6.6  Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) Direct Assessment
Chapter 7 Fitness-for-Purpose Assessment Technology and Application
  7.1  Analysis and Assessment of the Impact of Explosion Waves on the Cross Section of the Pipeline
  7.2  The Possibility Assessment of Pipeline Stress Corrosion Cracking
  7.3  Analysis of Pipeline Bucking Caused by External Force
  7.4  Safety Assessment of Pipeline Bending Deformation
  7.5  Integrity Assessment of the Pipeline Settlement at the Valve Station
  7.6  Risk Assessment of Upgraded Local Class
  7.7  Defects Assessment of Pipeline Internal Inspection
Chapter 8 Pipeline Weld Image Defect Recognition and Assessment
  8.1  Brief
  8.2  Verification of Image Edge Detection Technology of Pipeline Weld Based on Multi - operator Fusion
  8.3  CLTP Extraction Technology for Pipeline Weld Defect Texture Features of X-Ray Film
  8.4  SVM Method on Pipeline Weld Defect Image Recognition Based on CLTP Texture & Shape Feature

Chapter 9 The New Development of PIM and Integrity Assessment
  9.1  Pipeline Four-dimensional Management Technology
  9.2  Application and Development of Pipeline Integrity Management during the Era of the Internet of Things(IOT)
  9.3  Development of the Oil and Gas Station Integrity Management Assessment Techniques
  9.4  Integrity Assessment Techniques of High-grade, Full-scale Pipeline Gas Blasting
  9.5  Guided Wave Tomography for Quantification of Corrosion Damage in Fluid-filled Pipes
Chapter 10 Case of Pipeline Integrity Assessment Practice
  10.1  Introduction
  10.2  BGPC Pipeline Integrity Management System Framework
  10.3  Practice of Pipeline Integrity Assessment Technology
  10.4  Conclusions

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