幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:劉柳
  • 出版社:中國紡織
  • ISBN:9787518053513
  • 出版日期:2019/04/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:200
人民幣:RMB 68 元      售價:



Chapter 1 How to pepae befoe inteview?
  求職信 Cove lette
  01 How to wite a cove lette?
  02 Sample sentences
  03 Examples of cove lettes
  推薦信 Recommendation lette
  04 How to wite a ecommendation lette?
  05 Sample sentences
  06 Examples of ecommendation lette
  自薦信 Lette of self-ecommendation
  07 How to wite a lette of self-ecommendation?
  08 Sample sentences
  09 Examples of lette of self-ecommendation
  詢問職缺書信 Lette of asking fo posts
  10 How to wite a lette of asking fo posts?
  11 Sample sentences
  12 Examples of lette of asking fo posts
  英語簡歷 Resume
  13 Details of making a esume
  14 Resume fom
Chapter 2 Inteview Q & A
  行政部 Administation depatment
  15 Why do you choose ou company?
  16 How to cope with office politics?
  17 Have you got any cetificates?
  人事部 Pesonnel depatment
  18 Why do you think you ae qualified fo this position?
  19 Do you have any expeience in this field?
  20 I』ll ty to deal with the complaints popely

  技術部 Depatment of technology
  21 Is you majo elated to the field of ou company?
  22 Do you gades eflect you work ability?
  23 Could you please tell me more about you pactical expeiences?
  財務部 Financial depatment
  24 Ae you familia with cetain financial softwae?
  25 Why ae you inteested in this position?
  26 Do you speak up if you point of view diffes fom that of you supeio?
  市場部 Maketing depatment
  27 We should take customes』 complaints seiously
  28 This is the best pomotion campaign i』ve eve planned
  29 What have you leaned fom college life and past job?
  產品部 Poduct depatment
  30 What do you know about ou poducts?
  31 We may impove the poducts in this way?
  32 What ae you caee goals?
Chapter 3 Inteview skills and high frequency question
  Pecautions of multinational company inteview
  Pecautions when meeting a foeigne inteviewe
Chapter 4 Successful inteviews cases of fortune 500 companies
  33 Mckinsey and Company
  34 GE
  35 Royal Dutch
  36 Citigoup
  37 Micosoft
  38 P&G
  39 Wal-Mat

  40 Toyota
  41 Foxconn
  42 Lufthansa
  43 Nestle

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