幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:上海市科學學研究所
  • 出版社:學林
  • ISBN:9787548614531
  • 出版日期:2018/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:158
人民幣:RMB 88 元      售價:



01 Chapter One
  Overview of 2017 Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Center Index
  10 Framework of Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Center Index System
  12 Comprehensive Progress of the Construction of Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Center
  14 2016—2017 Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Center ? Focus of the Year
  16 2017 Innovation of Shanghai in the Eyes of the World
  23 Shanghai and Global Innovation Cities
  27 Gap and Weakness
02 Chapter Two
  Cohesive Force of Innovative Resources
  30 Increased R&D Investment from the Society
  35 Booming Fintech
  40 Talent Peak Construction Needs to be Further Strengthened
  44 Overall Action Plan for Pushing the Construction of Zhangjiang Comprehensive National Science Center
  46 Accelerated Construction of World-class R&D Institutions
03 Chapter Three
  Influence of Scientific and Technological Achievements
  54 Number of High-level International Science and Technology Papers Stayed Top in the World
  59 Overall Enhancement in Patent Output
  64 Accelerated Enhancement of the Influence of Colleges, Universities and Scientific Research Institutes in Shanghai
  69 Steady Enhancement of the Influence of Top Scientists
  72 Leading in the National-level Awards of Scientific and Technological Achievements
04 Chapter four
  The Driving Force of Emerging Industries
  78 Recovery of the Improvement in the Quality and Efficiency of Innovation-driven Real Economy
  86 Information and Technology Services: The 「Bellwether」 of Tertiary Industry Development
  90 Accelerated Innovation of the Biomedicine Industry with a Steady Development
  95 Further Strengthened Knowledge-based Economy
05 Chapter Five
  Innovation Capacity of Facilitating Development
  102 Further Strengthened Capacity of Technology and Product Output
  108 Continuous Increase in the Number of Foreign-invested Enterprises and R&D Centers
  111 Accelerated Construction of Global Innovation Framework by Enterprises in Shanghai
  115 Continuous Enhancement in Science and Technology Innovation Service
  118 More Highlighted Visibility of Global Innovation
06 Chapter Six
  Environmental Friendliness for Innovative Startups
  124 Overall Promotion of the Experimental System of Innovation Reform
  130 Innovative Development of Enterprises Supported by Tax Preference
  132 New Ground for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Provided by Maker Space
  135 Greatly Enhanced Vitality of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  140 Further Enhanced Attractiveness to Innovative Entrepreneurship Talents
  144 More Attractive Urban Environment
07 Chapter Seven jf
  149 Explanations of the Indexes
  154 Place of Shanghai in Think Tank Global City Ranking

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