幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:周魁
  • 出版社:江西科技
  • ISBN:9787539065229
  • 出版日期:2019/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:161
人民幣:RMB 49.8 元      售價:


    周魁(Fehx),英語教育界的娛樂大咖,長相酷似林志炫,風格神似薛之謙;     19歲登上新東方講台授課,至今擁有10年英語教學經驗;     星辰英語創始人兼王牌講師,學員培訓人數超10萬;     英語專業八級,雅思口語8分,托福口語27分;     中國英語說唱大神級口語名師,大學生英語口語終身導師;     「芝加哥大學全球英語教師研討會」教研學者。

Special 01 標準美式音標一舉擊破(Rap版)
  Season 01 Vowels母音
    Episode 01 The Sound
    Episode 02 The Sound
    Episode 03 The Sound
    Episode 04 The Sound
    Episode 05 The Sound
    Episode 06 The Sound
    Episode 07 The Sound
    Episode 08 The Sound
    Episode 09 The Sound
    Episode 10 The Sound
    Episode 11 The Sound
    Episode 12 The Sound
    Episode 13 The Sound
    Episode 14 The Sound
    Episode 15 The Sound
    Episode 16 The Sound
    Episode 17 The Sound
    Episode 18 The Sound
    Episode 19 The Sound
    Episode 20 The Sound
    Episode 21 The Sound
    Episode 22 The Sound
  Season 02 Consonants輔音
    Episode 01 The Sound
    Episode 02 The Sound
    Episode 03 The Sound
    Episode 04 The Sound
    Episode 05 The Sound
    Episode 06 The Sound
    Episode 07 The Sound
    Episode 08 The Sound
    Episode 09 The Sound
    Episode 10 The Sound
    Episode 11 The Sound
    Episode 12 The Sound
    Episode 13 The Sound
    Episode 14 The Sound
    Episode 15 The Sound
    Episode 16 The Sound
    Episode 17 The Sound
    Episode 18 The Sound
    Episode 19 The Sound
    Episode 20 The Sound
    Episode 21 The Sound
    Episode 22 The Sound
    Episode 23 The Sound
    Episode 24 The Sound
    Episode 25 The Sound

    Episode 26 The Sound
Special 02 英、美髮音兩大區別
  Season 03 Secrets of Fluent English流利美語終極秘訣
    Episode 01 Linkings連讀
    Episode 02 Elisions略讀
    Episode 03 Voiced Consonants濁化
    Episode 04 Stress and Reduced Sounds重讀與弱讀
    Episode 05 Contractions縮讀
    Episode 06 Special Endings特殊尾音
    Episode 07 Rhythm節奏
  Season 04 Intonation Patterns語調類型
    Episode 01 The Rising Tones升調
    Episode 02 The Falling Tones降調
    Episode 03 Combinations混合調
Special 03 Songs practice歌曲實戰演練
  Part One Row,Row,Row Your Boat
  Part Two You are my sunshine
  Part Three You raise me up
  Part Four We will rock you
  Part Five Lose Yourself

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