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  • 作者:編者:孫慶祥//陳迎//蔡和兵|總主編:孫慶祥
  • 出版社:復旦大學
  • ISBN:9787309137378
  • 出版日期:2018/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:288
人民幣:RMB 68 元      售價:

    孫慶祥、陳迎、蔡和兵主編的《醫學英語(臨床醫學)》由14個單元構成,第1-5單元偏重於臨床醫學所涉及的基礎內容,包括診斷(Diagnosis)、治療(Therapeutics)、中醫(Traditional Chinese Medicine)、護理(Nursing)和腫瘤(Oncology)等。第6-14單元根據臨床大科,分系統講授,包括體被系統(Integumentary System)、肌肉骨骼系統(Musculoskeletal System)、神經系統(Nervous System)、內分泌系統(Endocrine System)、感覺系統(Sensory System)、心血管系統(Cardiovascular System)、呼吸系統(Respiratory System)、泌尿生殖系統(Urogenital System)和消化系統(Digestive System)。內容系統全面,涵蓋了臨床醫學的方方面面。


Unit I  Diagnosis
  Part I  Lead-in Video
  Part II  Building Blocks of Medical Terminology
  Part III  Text A: Diagnosis
  Part IV  Text B: Expecting the Expected
  Part V  Language Skill Development
Unit 2  Therapeutics
  Part I  Lead-in Video
  Part II  Building Blocks of Medical Terminology
  Part III  Text A: Therapeutics
  Part IV  Text B: Daring to Practice Low-Cost Medicine in a High-Tech Era
  Part V  Language Skill Development
Unit 3  Traditional Chinese Medicine
  Part I  Lead-in Video
  Part II  Building Blocks of Medical Terminology
  Part III  Text A: Traditional Chinese Medicine
  Part IV  Text B: Traditional Botanical Medicine: An Introduction
  Part V  Language Skill Development
Unit 4  Nursing
  Part I  Lead-in Video
  Part II  Building Blocks of Medical Terminology
  Part III  Text A: Nursing
  Part IV  Text B: The Changing Faces of Nursing: A Personal Story
  Part V  Language Skill Development
Unit 5  Oncology
  Part I  Lead-in Video
  Part II  Building Blocks of Medical Terminology
  Part III  Text A: Oncology
  Part IV  Text B: "I want to take him home."
  Part V  Language Skill Development
Unit 6  Integumentary System
  Part I  Lead-in Video
  Part II  Building Blocks of Medical Terminology
  Part III  Text A: Integumentary System
  Part IV  Text B: The Allure of Tanned Skin
  Part V  Language Skill Development
Unit 7  Musculoskeletal System
  Part I  Lead-in Video
  Part II  Building Blocks of Medical Terminology
  Part III  Text A: Musculoskeletal System
  Part IV  Text B: Is Walking Speed a Vital Sign? Absolutely!
  Part V  Language Skill Development
Unit 8  Nervous System
  Part I  Lead-in Video
  Part II  Building Blocks of Medical Terminology
  Part III  Text A: Nervous System
  Part IV  Text B: Press That Button Again, Please
  Part V  Language Skill Development
Unit 9  Endocrine System
  Part I  Lead-in Video

  Part II  Building Blocks of Medical Terminology
  Part III  Text A: Endocrine System
  Part IV  Text B: Insulin's Discovery: New Insights on Its Ninetieth Birthday
  Part V  Language Skill Development
Unit 10  Sensory Systems
  Part I  Lead-in Video
  Part II  Building Blocks of Medical Terminology
  Part III  Text A: Sensory Systems
  Part IV  Text B: Listening to Braille
  Part V  Language Skill Development
Unit 11  Cardiovascular System
  Part I  Lead-in Video
  Part II  Building Blocks of Medical Terminology
  Part III  Text A: Cardiovascular System
  Part IV  Text B: My Stethoscope
  Part V  Language Skill Development
Unit 12  Respiratory System
  Part I  Lead-in Video
  Part II  Building Blocks of Medical Terminology
  Part III  Text A: Respiratory System
  Part IV  Text B: Influenza at the Beginning of the 21st Century
  Part V  Language Skill Development
Unit 13  Urogenital System
  Part I  Lead-in Video
  Part II  Building Blocks of Medical Terminology
  Part III  Text A: Urogenital System
  Part IV  Text B: In Vitro Fertilization: Four Decades of Reflections and Promises
  Part V  Language Skill Development
Unit 14  Digestive System
  Part I  Lead-in Video
  Part II  Building Blocks of Medical Terminology
  Part III  Text A: Digestive System
  Part IV  Text B: Facts and Fallacies about Digestive Diseases
  Part V  Language Skill Development
Appendix  Building Blocks of Medical Terminology

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