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  • 作者:編者:羅堯治//趙羽習//段元鋒//許賢//葉肖偉
  • 出版社:浙江大學
  • ISBN:9787308186513
  • 出版日期:2018/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:561
人民幣:RMB 168 元      售價:



Part Ⅰ  Keynote & Invited Papers
  Study on Improvement Technology for Durability of Concrete Under the Condition of Severe Environment
  Application of Topology Optimisation Technique to Structural Engineering
  The Role of Rigid Body Rotations in Nonlinear Structural Analysis
  ICT Convergence to Civil Infrastructurai Engineering
  Performance Investigation of Low-Rise Buildings Under Hurricane Wind Loading
  High Performance Bridges with Sustained Materials, Automated Preservation, and Informed Decision: A Life-Cycle Perspective
  Mechanical Properties of High-Performance Dampers and Their Seismic Control Efficiency in Above,round and Underground Structures
  Behaviour of Recycled Aggregate Concrete (RAC)-Filled Steel Tubular Columns
  Tower and Tower-Line System Subjected to Wind Loading and Their Reliability Evaluation
  Finite Particle Method for the Analysis of Structural Complex Behaviors
  Development of Structural Metal Dampers for Seismic Disaster Mitigation of Buildings
  Recent Studies on Energy Absorption of Origami Patterned Structures
  Non-Stationarity of Operational Measurements in Structural Health Monitoring
  Technologies and Challenges of SHM for Solving the Engineering Problems
  Cement-Based and Geopolymer-Based Ultra-High Performance Concrete Under High Rate Loading
  Construction Monitoring of a Supertall Structure
  Concept of Composite Concrete and Its Application
  Recommendations in the Chinese Professional Standard for Wind Loads on Roof Structures
  Modal Parameter Extraction for Condition Assessment of Highway Bridges Under Traffic Loadings
  Recent Progress in Numerical Simulation of Concrete Structures Subjected to Intense Dynamic Loadings
  Shrinkage and Cracking Mitigation Technologies for Modern Concrete
  Beam Assemblies in a Progressive Collapse Scenario: Overview and Some Recent Studies
Part Ⅱ  Parallel Session Papers
  A: Structural System and Design Theories
    Dynamic Instability of Columns Under Arbitrary Periodic Load
    An Algorithmic Implementation of the Unified Phase-Field Damage Theory for Brittle and Cohesive Fracture
    Use Electromagnetic Shunt Damper as an Alternative to a Variety of Mechanical Dampers
    Pseudo-Plastic Behaviour of Multi-Span Beams with Cold-Formed Sigma Sections: A Numerical Study
    Seismic Performance of Steel Plate Reinforced High Toughness Concrete Coupling Beams with Different Plate Ratios

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