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  • 作者:(加拿大)達夫
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787513514538
  • 出版日期:2011/12/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:238
人民幣:RMB 62.9 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Case Study Research in Applied Linguistics
  1.1  Introduction
  1.2  Case studyofalanguageleamer:「Jim
  1.3  Some reflections on this case study
  1.4  Other possible applied linguistic analyses
  1.5  Summary
Chapter 2  Defining,Describing,and Defending Case Study Research
  2.1  Introduction
  2.2  Defining Case Study
  2.3  Historical Roots of Case Study in the Social Sciences
  2.4  General Features of Qualitative Research
  2.5  Qualitative Research in Applied Linguistics
  2.6  Purposes and Philosophical Underpinnings of Case Study
  2.7  Case Study versus Ethnography
  2.8  Case Study in Applied Linguistics
  2.9  Previous Scholarship on Case Study Methodology in Applied Linguistics
  2.10  Longitudinal Case Studies
  2.11  Advantages and Disadvantages of Case Study
  2.12  Summary
Chapter 3  Examples of Case Studies in Applied Linguistics
  3.1  An Overview of Themes and Trends over the Past Three Decades
  3.2  Early Studies of Child Language Acquisition,Bilingualism, and Language Loss
  3.3  Natural-Order Studies and Performance Analysis (1 960s to 1980s)
  3.4  Individual Differences:Exceptionality』Talented and Untalented Learners
  3.5  Diaries,Memoirs,and(Auto)biographies of Linguistic Experiences
  3.6  Identity,Investment,and Gender in Language Learning
  3.7  Language Learning,Stabilization,and Fossilization
  3.8  Language Loss
  3.9  Pragmatic and Sociolinguistic Development
  3.10  Families as Cases:Studies ofBilingual Language SOcializatiOn and Maintenance
  3.11  Mainstreamed ESL Students:Identity,Representation, and Positioning
  3.12  Second-Language Writing and Academic Discourse Socialization
  3.13  Online Language Development and Use:Socialization into Virtual Communities
  3.14  Bilingualism and Biculturalism:Immigrant,S0joume r1 and「Returnee」Identities
  3.15  Teachers as Agents of Linguistic and Cultural Socialization
  3.16  Summary
Chapter 4  How to Conduct Case Studies (Part 1):Research Design, Data Collection, and Ethics
  4.1  Introduction
  4.2  Research Objectives
  4.3  Research Questions
  4.4  Research Design
  4.5  Case Selection and Sampling
  4.6  Contextualization
  4.7  Gaining Access to Research Sites
  4.8  Data Collection: Sources of Evidence
  4.9  The Role of the Researcher
  4.10  Interviews

  4.11  Observation
  4.12  Keeping a Research Journal
  4.13  Triangulation
  4.14  Ethical Considerations
  4.15  Summary
Chapter 5  How to Conduct Case Studies (Part 2):Analysis, Interpretation, and Evaluation
  5.1  Introduction
  5.2  Transcription
  5.3  Data Analysis
  5.4  Member Checks
  5.5  Criteria for Evaluating Case Studies
  5.6  Summary
Chapter 6  Writing the Case Study Report
  6.1  Introduction
  6.2  Audience, Publication Venue, and Focus:Preparing the Report
  6.3  Organization and Content of the Report
  6.4  Stylistic Matters
  6.5  Voice and Reflexivity
  6.6  Visual Displays of Information
  6.7  Research Ethics
  6.8  Appendices
  6.9  Evaluating the Written Report
  6.10  Summary
  6.11  Conclusion
Author Index
Subject Index

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