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  • 作者:編者:高瑋//張琍華|總主編:楊勁松//羅永勝
  • 出版社:復旦大學
  • ISBN:9787309131741
  • 出版日期:2018/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:215
人民幣:RMB 45 元      售價:



Unit 1 Autism
  I. Info-storm What is autism?
  II. Watching-in Autism & Asperger
  III. Defining the concept Defining autism
  IV. Critical reading Further reading about autism
  V. Speaking out Review your perception about autism
  VI. Pros/Cons Celebrities with autism
  VII. Outcome Do you accept autistic people?
  I. Info-storm HIV/AIDS Basics
  II. Watching-in
  III. Defining the Concept Defining HIV and AIDS
  IV. Critical Reading
  V. Speaking Out
  VI. Pros/Cons HIV and AIDS: Language and the Blame Game
  VII. Outcome
Unit 3 Surrogaey
  I. Info-storm Two blog posts
  II. Watching-in I can't have a baby
  III. Defining the Concept Defining surrogacy
  IV. Critical Reading What do you know about "surrogacy"
  V. Speaking Out
  VI. Pros/Cons Commercial surrogacy: Is it really so bad?
  VII. Outcome Does gay husbands choose adoption or surrogacy?
Unit 4 First Aid
  I. Info-storm What is First Aid?
  II. Watching-in Code Blue
  III. Defining the Concept Defining first aid
  IV. Critical Reading Further reading about first aid
  V. Speaking Out Read and say
  VI. Pros/Cons First aid techniques learnt from medical show help
  VII. Outcome Is it necessary for students to take first aid courses?
Unit 5 Allergy
  I. Info-storm Web news on allergies
  II. Watching-in
  III. Defining the Concept Defining allergy
  IV. Critical Reading 1 Pet allergy
  V. Speaking Out
  VI. Pros/Cons Preventing Food Allergies. To avoid or to expose?
  That's a question.
  VII. Outcome What to do with peanuts?
Unit 6 Plastic surgery
  I. Info-storm A plastic surgery web page
  II. Watching-in Plastic surgery
  III. Defining the concept. Defining plastic surgery
  IV. Critical Reading What do you know about plastic surgery
  V. Speaking Out Why do people have plastic surgery
  VI. Pros/Cons Plastic surgery- beauty or beast?
  VII. Outcome Plastic surgery
Unit 7 Influenza

  I. Info-storm Latest News on Influenza A
  II. Watching-in When docs get sick
  III. Defining the Concept Defining influenza
  IV. Critical Reading What do you know about "influenza"?
  V. Speaking Out Read and say
  VI. Pros/Cons Flu vaccine, to get a shot or not, that'a question
  VII. Outcome Factors concerning influenza
Unit 8 Organ Transplant
  I. Info-storm Web news on organ donation
  II. Watching-in Inhale Some people only have one option
  III. Defining the Concept Defining organ transplant
  IV. Critical Reading What do you know about "organ transplant"?
  V. Speaking Out Understanding Organ Donation
  VI. Pros/Cons Make an Informed Decision! Know the Pros and Cons of
  Organ donation
  VII. Outcome How do you view organ transplant?

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