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  • 作者:(日)吉田耕作
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787519247690
  • 出版日期:2018/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:500
人民幣:RMB 99 元      售價:



0. Preliminaries
  1. Set Theory
  2. Topological Spaces
  3. Measure Spaces
  4. Linear Spaces
I. Semi-norms
  1. Semi-norms and Locally Convex Linear Topological Spaces
  2. Norms and Quasi-norms
  3. Examples of Normed Linear Spaces
  4. Examples of Quasi-normed Linear Spaces
  5. Pre-Hilbert Spaces
  6. Continuity of Linear Operators
  7. Bounded Sets and Bornologic Spaces
  8. Generalized Functions and Generalized Derivatives
  9. B-spaces and F-spaces
  10. The Completion
  11. Factor Spaces of a B-space
  12. The Partition of Unity
  13. Generalized Functions with Compact Support
  14. The Direct Product of Generalized Functions
II. Applications of the Baire-Hausdorff Theorem
  1. The Uniform Boundedness Theorem and the Resonance Theorem
  2. The Vitali-Hahn-Saks Theorem
  3. The Termwise Differentiability of a Sequence of Generalized Functions
  4. The Principle of the Condensation of Singularities
  5. The Open Mapping Theorem
  6. The Closed Graph Theorem
  7. An Application of the Closed Graph Theorem (Hormander's Theorem)
III. The Orthogonal Projection and F. Riesz' Representation Theorem
  1. The Orthogonal Projection
  2. "Nearly Orthogonal" Elements
  3. The Ascoli-Arzela Theorem
  4. The Orthogonal Base. Bessel's Inequality and Parseval's Relation
  5. E. Schmidt's Orthogonalization
  6. F. Riesz' Representation Theorem
  7. The Lax-Milgram Theorem
  8. A Proof of the Lebesgue-Nikodym Theorem
  9. The Aronszajn-Bergman Reproducing Kernel
  10. The Negative Norm of P. LAX
  11. Local Structures of Generalized Functions
IV. The Hahn-Banach Theorems
  1. The Hahn-Banach Extension Theorem in Real Linear Spaces
  2. The Generalized Limit
  3. Locally Convex, Complete Linear Topological Spaces
  4. The Hahn-Banach Extension Theorem in Complex Linear Spaces
  5. The Hahn-Banach Extension Theorem in Normed Linear Spaces
  6. The Existence of Non-trivial Continuous Linear Functionals
  7. Topologies of Linear Maps
  8. The Embedding of X in its Bidual Space X"
  9. Examples of Dual Spaces

V. Strong Convergence and Weak Convergence
  1. The Weak Cosvergence and The Weak* Convergence
  2. The Local Sequential Weak Compactness of Reflexive B-spaces. The Uniform Convexity
  3. Dunford's Theorem and The Gelfand-Mazur Theorem
  4. The Weak and Strong.Measurability. Pettis' Theorem
  5. Bochner's Integral
Appendix to Chapter V. Weak Topologies and Duality in Locally
  Convex Linear Topological Spaces
  1. Polar Sets
  2. Barrel Spaces
  3. Semi-reflexivity and Reflexivity
  4. The Eberlein-Shmulyan Theorem
VI. Fourier Transform and Differential Equations
  1. The Fourier Transform of Rapidly Decreasing Functions
  2. The Fourier Transform of Tempered Distributions
  3. Convolutions
  4. The Paley-Wiener Theorems. The One-sided Laplace Transform
  5. Titchmarsh's Theorem
  6. Mikusinski's Operational Calculus
  7. Sobolev's Lemma
  8. Garding's Inequality
  9. Friedrichs' ThEorem
  10. The Malgrange-Ehrenpreis Theorem
  11. Differential Operators with Uniform Strength
  12. The I-Iypoellipticity (Hormander's Theorem)
VII. Dual Operators
  1. Dual Operators
  2. Adjoint Operators
  3. Symmetric Operators and Self-adjoint Operators
  4. Unitary Operators. The Cayley Transform
  5. The Closed Range Theorem
VIII. Resolvent and Spectrum
  1. The Resolvent and Spectrum
  2. The Resolvent Equation and Spectral Radius
  3. The Mean Ergodic Theorem
  4. Ergodic Theorems of the Hille Type Concerning Pseudo-resolvents
  5. The Mean Value of an Almost Periodic Function
  6. The Resolvent of a Dual Operator
  7. Dunford's Integral
  8. The Isolated Singularities of a Resolvent
IX. Analytical Theory of Semi-groups
  1. The Semi-group of Class (Co)
  2. The Equi-continuous Semi-group of Class (Co) in Locally
    Convex Spaces, Examples of Semi-groups
  3. The Infinitesimal Generator of an Equi-continuous Semi-group of Class (Co)
  4. The Resolvent of the Infinitesimal Generator A
  5. Examples of Infinitesimal Generators
  6. The Exponential of a Continuous Linear Operator whose Powers are Equi-continuous
  7. The Representation and the Characterization of Equi-con-
    tinuous Semi-groups of Class (Co) in Terms of the Corre-

    sponding Infinitesimal Generators
  8. Contraction Semi-groups and Dissipative Operators
  9. Equi-continuous Groups of Class (Co). Stone's Theorem
  10. Holomorphic Semi-groups
  11. Fractional Powers of Closed Operators
  12. The Convergence of Semi-groups. The Trotter-Kato Theorem
  13. Dual Semi-groups. Phillips' Theorem
X. Compact Operators
  1. Compact Sets in B-spaces
  2. Compact Operators and Nuclear Operators
  3. The Rellich-Garding Theorem
  4. Schauder's Theorem
  5. The Riesz-Schauder Theory
  6. Dirichlet's Problem
  Appendix to Chapter X. The Nuclear Space of A. GROTHENDIECK
XI. Normed Rings and Spectral Representation
  1. Maximal Ideals of a Normed Ring
  2. The Radical. The Semi-simplicity
  3. The Spectral Resolution of Bounded Normal Operators
  4. The Spectral Resolution of a Unitary Operator
  5. The Resolution of the Identity
  6. The Spectral Resolution of a Self-adjoint Operator
  7. Real Operators and Semi-bounded Operators. Friedrichs' Theorem
  8. The Spectrum of a Self-adjoint Operator.Rayleigh's Prin-
    ciple and the Krylov-Weinstein Theorem. The Multiplicity
    of the Spectrum
  9. The General Expansion Theorem. A Condition for the
    Absence of the Continuous Spectrum
  10. The Peter-Weyl-Neumann Theorem
  11. Tannaka's Duality Theorem for Non-commutative Compact
  12. Functions of a Self-adjoint Operator
  13. Stone's Theorem and Bochner's Theorem
  14. A Canonical Form of a Self-adjoint Operator with Simple
  15. The Defect Indices of a Symmetric Operator. The Generalized
    Resolution of the ldentity
  16. The Group-ring L' and Wiener's Tauberian Theorem
XII. Other Representation Theorems in Linear Spaces
  1. Extremal Points. The Krein-Milman Theorem
  2. Vector Lattices
  3. B-lattices and F-lattices
  4. A Convergence Theorem of BANACH
  5. The Representation of a Vector Lattice as Point Functions
  6. The Representation of a Vector Lattice as Set Functions
XIII. Ergodic Theory and Diffusion Theory
  1. The Markov Process with an Invariant Measure
  2. An Individual Ergodic Theorem and Its Applications
  3. The Ergodic Hypothesis and the H-theorem
  4. The Ergodic Decomposition of a Markov Process with a Locally Compact Phase Space

  5. The Brownian Motion on a Homogeneous Riemannian Space
  6. The Generalized Laplacian of W. FELLER
  7. An Extension of the Diffusion Operator
  8. Markov Processes and Potentials
  9. Abstract Potential Operators and Semi-groups
XIV. The Integration of the Equation of Evolution
  1. Integration of Diffusion Equations  in LS(Rm)
  2. Integration of Diffusion Equations in a Compact Riemannian Space
  3. Integration of Wave Equations in a Euclidean Space Rm
  4. Integration of Temporally Inhomogeneous Equations of
    Evolution in a B-space
  5. The Method of TANABE and SOBOI.EVSKI
  6. Non-linear Evolution Equations 1 (The Komura-Kato Approach)
  7. Non-linear Evolution Equations 2 (The Approach through the Crandall-Liggett Convergence Theorem)
Supplementary Notes
Notation of Spaces

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