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  • 作者:(德)W.格雷納
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787519248611
  • 出版日期:2018/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:488
人民幣:RMB 159 元      售價:



  1  Introduction and Basic Definitions
  2  The Scalar Product
  3  Component Representation of a Vector
  4  The Vector Product (Axial Vector)
  5  The Triple Scalar Product
  6  Application of Vector Calculus
    Application in mathematics:
    Application in physics:
  7  Differentiation and Integration of Vectors
  8  The Moving Trihedral (Accompanying Dreibein)--the Frenet Formulas
    Examples on Frenet's formulas:
  9  Surfaces in Space
  10  Coordinate Frames
  11  Vector Differential Operations
    The operations gradient, divergence, and curl (rotation)
    Differential operators in arbitrary general (curvilinear) coordinates
  12  Determination of Line Integrals
  13  The Integral Laws of Gauss and Stokes
    Gauss Law:
    The Gauss theorem:
    Geometric interpretation of the Gauss theorem:
    Stokes law:
  14  Calculation of Surface Integrals
  15  Volume (Space) Integrals
  16  Newton's Axioms
  17  Basic Concepts of Mechanics
    Inertial systems
    Measurement of masses
    Kinetic energy
    Conservative forces
    Energy law
    Equivalence of impulse of force and momentum change
    Angular momentum and torque
    Conservation law of angular momentum
    Law of conservation of the linear momentum
    The law of areas
    Conservation of orientation
  18  The General Linear Motion
  19  The Free Fall
    Vertical throw
    Inclined throw
  20  Friction
    Friction phenomena in a viscous medium

    Motion in a viscous medium with Newtonian friction
    Generalized ansatz for friction:
  21  The Harmonic Oscillator
  22  Mathematical Interlude--Series Expansion, Euler's Formulas
  23  The Damped Harmonic Oscillator
  24  The Pendulum
  25  Mathematical Interlude: Differential Equations
  26  Planetary Motions
  27  Special Problems in Central Fields
    The gravitational field of extended bodies
    The attractive force of a spherical mass shell
    The gravitational potential of a spherical shell covered with mass
    Stability of circular orbits
  28  The Earth and our Solar System
    General notions of astronomy
    Determination of astronomic quantities
    Properties, position, and evolution of the solar system
    World views
    On the evolution of the universe
    Dark Matter
    What is the nature of the dark matter?
  29  Relativity Principle and Michelson-Morley Experiment
    The Michelson-Morley experiment
  30  The LorentzTransformation
    Rotation of a three-dimensional coordinate frame
    The Minkowski space
    Group property of the Lorentz transformation
  31  Properties of the Lorentz transformation
    Time dilatation
    Lorentz-Fitzgerald length contraction
    Note on the invisibility of the Lorentz-Fitzgerald length contraction
    The visible appearance of quickly moving bodies
    Optical appearance of a quickly moving cube
    Optical appearance of bodies moving with almost the speed of light
    Light intensity distribution of a moving isotropic emitter
    Doppler shift of quickly moving bodies
    Relativistic space-time structure--space-time events
    Relativistic past, present, future
    The causality principle
    The Lorentz transformation in the two-dimensional subspace of the Minkowski
  32  Addition Theorem of the Velocities
    Supervelocity of light, phase, and group velocity
  33  The Basic Quantities of Mechanics in Minkowski Space
    Lorentz scalars
    Four-velocity in Minkowski space
    Momentum in Minkowski space
    Minkowski force (four-force)
    Kinetic energy

    The Tachyon hypothesis
    Derivation of the energy law in the Minkowski space
    The fourth momentum component
    Conservation of momentum and energy for a free particle
    Relativistic energy for free particles
    Examples on the equivalence of mass and energy
  34  Applications of the Special Theory of Relativity
    The elastic collision
    Compton scattering
    The inelastic collision
    Decay of an unstable particle

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