幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:戴寶拉
  • 出版社:江蘇科技
  • ISBN:9787553793184
  • 出版日期:2018/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:366
人民幣:RMB 39.8 元      售價:


    戴寶拉,     國內某知名大學英語語言文學專業畢業,從事多年翻譯理論與實踐方面的研究,曾編輯過多本暢銷語言類圖書,多次參與編著教材。

UNIT1 基本語法觀念、詞類與句子
  Lesson 1 名詞
  可數名詞 vs. 不可數名詞/單數名詞 vs. 複數名詞
  Lesson 2 代詞
  Lesson 3 所有格
  Amy』s boyfriend/ the cover of the book
  Lesson 4 冠詞
  不定冠詞a, an/定冠詞the
  Lesson 5 形容詞
  I have a great idea!
  Lesson 6 形容詞的比較級與最高級
  as+形容詞原級+as /形容詞比較級 +than/形容詞最高級
  Lesson 7 程度副詞與情態副詞
  I feel so tired. / He works hard.
  Lesson 8 情態副詞的比較級與最高級
  as+副詞原級+as /副詞比較級 +than/副詞最高級
  Lesson 9 地點副詞與時間副詞
  We are in the park. / I get up at six o』clock.
  Lesson 10 頻率副詞
  We always have pizza for dinner.
  Lesson 11 助動詞
  do/ does/ did/ will 等
  Lesson 12 不定式與動名詞
  I don』t want to go. / Mary likes dancing.
  Lesson 13 分詞形容詞
  Lesson 14 短語
  Lesson 15 句子
  英語五大基本句型/there be句型
  Lesson 16 疑問詞與疑問句
  What /Who /Why /Where /When /How
UNIT2 動詞句型
  Lesson 1 一般現在時
  I get up at six every day.
  Lesson 2 現在進行時
  It is raining.
   Lesson 3 一般將來時
  The party will start at seven.
  Lesson 4 短語動詞
  Lesson 5 感官動詞
  I watch him leave.
  Lesson 6 授與動詞
  Mom made a sandwich for me.
  Lesson 7 使役動詞
  Mom made me do the dishes.
  Lesson 8 連繫動詞

  be 動詞/表當下感覺的感官動詞/表轉變的動詞
  Lesson 9 動詞三態變化
  Lesson 10 一般過去時
  She was sick last week.
  Lesson 11 過去進行時
  Dad was looking for his watch.
  Lesson 12 現在完成時
  I have lived here since 2010.
  Lesson 13 現在完成進行時
  Sally has been sleeping for two hours.
  Lesson 14 過去完成時
  He had already left when I came home.
  Lesson 15 被動語態
  The bedroom was cleaned by Peter.
UNIT3 重要語法句型
  Lesson 1 祈使句
  Clean up your room!
  Lesson 2 附加問句
  I didn』t say that, did I?
  Lesson 3 連詞I — 對等連詞
  and/ but /yet /so/ for/ or/ nor
  Lesson 4 連詞II — 相關連詞
  both...and.../not only...but also.../either...or.../neither...nor.../whether...or...
  Lesson 5 連詞III — 從屬連詞
  Lesson 6 假設語氣
  if 條件句/ wish
  Lesson 7 too... to...句型與so... that...句型
  too...to... /...enough to.../so...that.../such...that...
  Lesson 8 附和句
  too, so/either, neither/also
  Lesson 9 used to與be used to
  They used to fight a lot. / She is used to getting up early.
  Lesson 10 關係代詞與定語從句
  The girl who sits by the window is Jenny.
  Lesson 11 間接問句
  Can you tell me what your name is?

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