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  • 作者:周力行
  • 出版社:清華大學
  • ISBN:9787302507543
  • 出版日期:2018/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:319
人民幣:RMB 99 元      售價:



I.  Some Fundamentals of Dispersed Multiphase Flows
     1.1  Particle/Spray Basic Properties
             1.1.1  Particle/Droplet Size and Its Distribution
             1.1.2  Apparent Density and Volume Fraction
     1.2  Particle Drag, Heat, and Mass Transfer
     1.3  Single-Particle Dynamics
             1.3.1  Single-Particle Motion Equation
             1.3.2  Motion of a Single Particle in a Uniform Flow Field
             1.3.3  Particle Gravitational Deposition
             1.3.4  Forces Acting on Particles in Nonuniform Flow Field
              Magnus Force
              Saffman Force
              Particle Thermophoresis, Electrophoresis,
                                 and Photophoresis
             1.3.5  Generalized Particle Motion Equation
             1.3.6  Recent Studies on Particle Dynamics
       Further Reading
2.   Basic Concepts and Description of Turbulence
       2.1  Introduction
       2.2 Time Averaging
       2.3  Probability Density Function
       2.4  Correlations, Length, and Time Scales
3.   Fundamentals of Combustion Theory
       3.1  Combustion and Flame
       3.2  Basic Equations of Laminar Multicomponent Reacting Flows
             and Combustion
             3.2.1  Thermodynamic Relationships of Multicomponent
              3.2.2  Molecular Transport Laws of Multicomponent Reacting
              3.2.3  Basic Relationships of Chemical Kinetics
              3.2.4  The Reynolds Transport Theorem
              3.2.5  Continuity and Diffusion Equations

             3.4.1  Background
             3.4.2  Basic Equations and Their Properties
             3.4.3  Two-Zone Approximate Solution
             3.4.4  Laminar Diffusion Flame
       3.5  Droplet Evaporation and Combustion
             3.5.1  Background
             3.5.2  Droplet Evaporation in Stagnant Air
             3.5.3  Basic Equations for Droplet Evaporation
                      and Combustion
             3.5.4  Droplet Evaporation With and Without Combustion
             3.5.5  Droplet Evaporation and Combustion under Forced
             3.5.6  The a~ Law
             3.5.7  Experimental Results
             3.5.8  Droplet Ignition and Extinction
       3.6  Solid-Fuel: Coal-Particle Combustion
             3.6.1  Background
             3.6.2  Coal Pyrolyzation (Devolatilization)
             3.6.3  Carbon Oxidation
             3.6.4  Carbon Oxidation--Basic Equations
             3.6.5  Carbon Oxidation--Single-Flame-Surface Model-Only
                      Reaction 1 or 2 at the Surface
             3.6.6  Carbon Oxidation--Two-Flame-Surface Model
             3.6.7  Coal-Particle Combustion
       3.7 Turbulent Combustion and Flame Stabilization
             3.7.1  Background
             3.7.2  Turbulent Jet Diffusion Flame
             3.7.3  Turbulent Premixed Flame-Damkohler-Shelkin's
                      Wrinkled-Flame Model            
             3.7.4  Turbulent Premixed Flame-Summerfield-Shetinkov's
                             Volume Combustion Model

       5.2  The Closure of Single-Phase Turbulent Kinetic Energy
       5.3  The k- Two-Equation Model and Its Application
       5.4  The Second-Order Moment Closure of Single-Phase
       5.5  The Closed Model of Reynolds Stresses and Heat Fluxes
       5.6  The Algebraic Stress and Flux Models--Extended k-~ Model
       5.7  The Application of DSM and ASM Models and Their
             Comparison with Other Models
       5.8  Large-Eddy Simulation
             5.8.1  Filtration
             5.8.2  SGS Stress Models
             5.8.3  LES of Swirling Gas Flows
       5.9  Direct Numerical Simulation
6.   Modeling of Dispersed Multiphase Turbulent Flows
       6.1  Introduction
       6.2 The Hinze-Tchen's Algebraic Model of Particle Turbulence
       6.3 The Unified Second-Order Moment Two-Phase Turbulence
       6.4  The k-ε-kp and k -ε - Ap Two-Phase Turbulence Model
       6.5  The Application and Validation of USM, k-ε-kp-kpg
                and k-ε-A-Models
       6.6  An Improved Second-Order Moment Two-Phase
                Turbulence Model
       6.7  The Mass-Weighted Averaged USM Two-Phase
                Turbulence Model
       6.8  The DSM-PDF and k-ε-PDF Two-Phase Turbulence
       6.9   An SOM-MC Model of Swirling Gas-Particle Flows
       6.10  The Nonlinear k-ε- k-Two-Phase Turbulence Model
       6.11  The Kinetic Theory Modeling of Dense Particle (Granular)
       6.12  Two-Phase Turbulence Models for Dense Gas-Particle
       6.13  The Eulerian-Lagrangian Simulation of Gas-Particle Flows
               6.13.1  Governing Equations for the Deterministic
                          Trajectory Model
7.   Modeling of Turbulent Combustion
      7.1  Introduction
      7.2 The Time-Averaged Reaction Rate
      7.3  The Eddy-Break-Up (EBU) Model/Eddy Dissipation
                Model (EDM)
      7.4 The Presumed PDF Models
               7.4.1  The Probability Density Distribution Function
               7.4.2  The Simplified PDF-Local Instantaneous
                         Nonpremixed Fast-Chemistry Model
               7.4.3  The Simplified PDF-Local Instantaneous Equilibrium
               7.4.4 The Simplified-PDF Finite-Rate Model
      7.5  The PDF Transport Equation Model
      7.6  The Bray-Moss-Libby (BML) Model
      7.7  The Conditional Moment Closure (CMC) Model
      7.8  The Laminar-Flamelet Model
      7.9  The Second-Order Moment Combustion Model
               7.9.1  The Early Developed Second-Order Moment Model
               7.9.2  An Updated Second-Order Moment (SOM) Model
               7.9.3  Application of the SOM Model in RANS Modeling
               7.9.4  Validation of the SOM Model by DNS
       7.10  Modeling of Turbulent Two-Phase Combustion
               7.10.1  Two-Fluid Modeling of Turbulent Two-Phase
               7.10.2  Two-Fluid-Simulation of Coal Combustion
                          in a Combustor with High-Velocity Jets
               7.10.3  Two-Fluid Modeling of Coal Combustion
                          and NO Formation in a Swirl Combustor
               7.10.4  Eulerian-Lagrangian Modeling of Two-Phase
       7.11  Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Combustion

       9.1  An Oil-Water Hydrocyclone
       9.2  A Gas-Solid Cyclone Separator
       9.3  A Nonslagging Vortex Coal Combustor
       9.4  A Spouting-Cyclone Coal Combustor
       9.5  Pulverized-Coal Furnaces
       9.6  Spray Combustors
       9.7  Concluding Remarks

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